
guard n.1.警衛;警戒;看守。2.防衛者;看守者;哨兵,衛兵...

guard band

The guard let the prisoners out of jail to work in the garden . 警衛放犯人出來到花園工作。

He rides in life guards . 他在近衛騎兵隊服務。

If one man guards the pass , ten thousand are unable to get through . 一夫當關,萬夫莫開。

Two hefty guards came in . 兩個彪形獄警走進來。

Such guards also protect against fraying by roe deer . 這種保護措施還可防止獐鹿摩擦損傷。

The guard noticed he was still carrying the briefcase . 門衛注意到他仍然帶著那個公文包。

Ensure the guard is in place before operating the machine . 將防護罩確實放好后再開機器。

The police guarded against the witness's letting out the secret . 警察預防證人泄露秘密。

We escaped at dead of night , when the guards were asleep . 我們在夜靜衛兵熟睡時逃跑了。

Cahill, the guard assigned to that shift, was friendly . 被派換班的警衛卡西爾很夠朋友。

Be on your guard against pickpockets . 提防扒手。

I 'll mount guard over the luggage while you get the ticket . 你去買票,我來看管行李。

The criminal has been sent to the county seat under guard . 這個罪犯已經解到縣里去了。

Mark is constantly on his guard . 馬克始終很警惕。

The same sentiment guarded him from betraying himself . 同樣的情感也阻礙著他說心里話。

The guard hairs on either edge alternate with each other . 兩側的針毛相互交錯在一起。

They are listed on the closely guarded microfilm . 它們列于一卷嚴格保管的縮微膠卷上。

And right off i was on guard against mencken's books . 我馬上就對門肯的書警覺起來了。

It is sometimes a disadvantage to be so very guarded . 這樣提心吊膽,有時候反而不妙。