
guano n.1.(秘魯產)海鳥糞,鳥糞石。2.魚肥,人造氮肥。v...


In the 19th century hundreds of thousands of coolies ? indentured workers lured by chinese and western recruiters using a greater or lesser degree of deception ? toiled in some of the world ' s worst hellholes : the guano deposits of peru , the canebrakes of cuba or the gold mines of south africa 19世紀,成千上萬的中國苦力被本國或西方雇主花言巧語騙到世界上的最惡劣的地方從事勞作:從遍布鳥糞的秘魯,到叢林縱生的古巴,再到滿地黃金的南非。

The shack was made of the tough budshields of the royal palm which are called guano and in it there was a bed , a table , one chair , and a place on the dirt floor to cook with charcoal 窩棚用大椰子樹的叫做“海鳥糞”的堅韌的苞殼做成,里面有一張床、一張桌子、一把椅子和泥地上一處用木炭燒飯的地方。

On the brown walls of the flattened , overlapping leaves of the sturdy fibered guano there was a picture in color of the sacred heart of jesus and another of the virgin of cobre 在用纖維結實的“海鳥糞”展平了疊蓋而成的褐色墻壁上,有一幅彩色的耶穌圣心圖和另一幅科布萊圣母圖。

The united states congress quickly placed the island under american jurisdiction based on the guano islands act of 1856 美國國會很快根據1856年的鳥糞島法案,把納弗沙島納入美國管轄。

East machinery co will provide engineering assistance and technical service to uh guano corporation 東方機械公司將為華光公司提供工程幫助及技術服務。

Like most treasure , guano demanded a high price for its extraction 一如大部分珍貴資源,開采鳥糞層代價很高。

Today the guano is long gone , but the pile of money remains 今年,海鳥糞已經消失了,但資金卻留了下來。

Uh guano company will set up a sale subsidiary in singapore 華光公司將在新加坡建立一個子公司。

The guano is a fine bird, but great care is necessary in rearing it . 爪努是一種很好的鳥,可是飼養必須多加小心。