
gst GST = Greenwich sidereal tim...


Expression of mdr1 and gst - in osteosarcoma and soft tissue sarcoma and their correlation with chemotherapy resistance 耐藥相關基因與腫瘤藥敏試驗對反映小細胞肺癌治療效應的意義

This price is ok . another new project , park 360 , same size asked $ 399000 + gst 對,旁邊一個7年新的房子漏水,好像是6837 。這個不漏。不過你為什么認為便宜啊? 34萬的房子才867尺。

For the proposed introduction of gst , the government will give the public ample opportunity to express their views 至于引入商品及服務稅的建議,我們定會充分聽取公眾意見。

The purity of eorabl protein , cleaved gst - eorabl protein with thrombin protease , reached 95 percent 這為gtpase活性的深入研究,抗體的制備及細胞內定位準備了前提物質。

Mr tang was asked by reporters whether the gst would be introduced during this legislative year or next year 記者問唐英年會否在今個或下個立法年度推出商品及服務稅。

The constructed plasmid containing gst - src fused gene gave a high level of expression of the fused protein 用iptg誘導表達蛋白的產生,純化后獲得大量的目的蛋白。

In working out the details of gst , i will follow the principle of maintaining our low and simple tax regime 我會在維持簡單低稅制的原則下,設計有關稅項的細節。

Buyers need to pay different fees and taxes including stamp duty and gst to local government 投資者需要向當地政府繳付其他雜費和稅項。主要包括印花稅和消費稅。

But the views are also strongly against gst to solve the problem . to conclude , there are two main points 不過,我亦清楚聽到市民對商品及服務稅強烈反對的聲音。

Continue to examine goods and services tax proposal . no gst in next two and a half years 繼續研究開徵商品及服務稅,但在今后兩年半里政府肯定不會實施這個稅項

Sds - page analysis revealed that the gst - epitope fusion protein could be highly expressed in bl21 經sds - page分析表明,表達的gst -融合蛋白與預期大小相符。

To elucidate its function , ha94 was expressed as a gst - fusion protein in e . coli 為闡明它的功能,在大腸桿菌中將ha94與谷胱甘肽巰基轉移酶( gst )融合表達。

Gst is broad - based and equitable , and is capable of yielding a sizeable and steady revenue 這個稅項的徵稅范圍廣闊公平,亦能帶來可觀而穩定的財政收入。

So all the prices quoted on this site will be subjected to gst at the rate of 10 % 所以從2000年7月1日起,本網站的所有報價不包括聯邦政府的10 %消費稅。

Expression of gst - snail fusion protein in prokaryotic cells and preparation of polyclonal antibody against snail 融合蛋白的原核表達及其多克隆抗體制備

111 . some people have indicated that the introduction of gst might affect the tourism industry 111 .有些人士表示,引入商品及服務稅可能影響旅游業。

From making a decision to introduce gst to its actual implementation will take about three years 由決定開徵有關稅項到實際推行,大概需要三年時間。

To study the relationship between mdr1 and gst - with resistance to chemotherapy and prognosis in ovarian cancer 基因的表達與化療耐藥及預后的研究

Last year i mentioned that there was to be a study on the implementation of a goods and services tax ( gst ) 在去年提到研究開徵商品及服務稅。