uploads/grounded base.jpg

grounded base 基極接地。

grounded collector

But when fault was occurred , sometimes there would be great loss . for the reason , the paper put forward a microcomputer bus protection scheme suit for mv or lv power system with low current grounding based on the great researching about the working theory of current bus protections and the characteristic of mv or lv system with low current grounding . based on it , the paper has designed the platform of the hardware and the software programs 針對國內目前中、低壓電網大都未裝設母線保護裝置,發生故障不能及時切除時造成很大損失的狀況,本文在廣泛研究當前主流的母線保護動作原理并認真分析了中、低壓小電流接地系統特點的基礎上,提出了一套適合中、低壓微機母線保護裝置的研制方案,并據此選擇、搭建了硬件平臺,設計了軟件功能程序。