
grot n.〔詩〕= grotto.


Yes , pious had told him of that land and chaste had pointed him to the way but the reason was that in the way he fell in with a certain whore of an eyepleasing exterior whose name , she said , is bird - in - the - hand and she beguiled him wrongways from the true path by her flatteries that she said to him as , ho , you pretty man , turn aside hither and i will show you a brave place , and she lay at him so flatteringly that she had him in her grot which is named two - in - the - bush or , by some learned , carnal concupiscence “虔誠”告彼以該國之事, “節操”指示彼以通往該國之路。但途中,彼遇一形貌艷麗之妓,自稱“一鳥在手” ,曰: “呔,汝美男子,跟吾來,帶汝赴一極佳之所。 ”一片甜言蜜語,將彼從正路誘人歧途!

We have concluded that mechanism to lead to region difference of henan province is difference of groth speed , if grot h speed of developed counties is quicker than undeveloped counties , region difference of henan province will enlarge , otherwise , thing will be reverse 而影響區域經濟增長速度的主要因素有人力資本秉賦的差異、傾斜的政策面、國定資產投資、就業率、居民消費水平的不同、產業結構轉換、科技創新能力、人口增長率等,文章分別分析了這些因子對河南省縣際經濟差異的影響。

For regarding believe - on - me they said it was nought else but notion and they could conceive no thought of it for , first , two - in - the - bush whither she ticed them was the very goodliest grot and in it were four pillows on which were four tickets with these words printed on them , pickaback and topsyturvy and shameface and cheek by jowl and , second , for that foul plague allpox and the monsters they cared not for them , for preservative had given them a stout shield of oxengut and , third , that they might take no hurt neither from offspring that was that wicked devil by virtue of this same shield which was named killchild 首先,伊誘彼等前去之“雙鳥在林” ,乃天下第一洞,內設置四枕,附四標簽,印有“騎角” , “顛倒” “赦顏” “狎昵”字樣。其次, “預防法”給彼等以牛腸制成之堅固盾牌,對惡疫“全身梅毒”及其他妖怪,亦無須懼怕。第三,憑借稱作“殺嬰”之盾牌,惡鬼“子孫”亦無從加害于彼等。