
grosvenor n.格羅夫納〔姓氏〕。


She then read the first sentence aloud , which comprised the information of their having just resolved to follow their brother to town directly , and of their meaning to dine that day in grosvenor street , where mr . hurst had a house . the next was in these words 于是她先把第一句念出來,那句話是說,她們已經決定,立刻追隨她們的弟兄上城里去,而且要在當天趕到格魯斯汶納街吃飯,原來赫斯脫先生就住在那條街上。

The statement said small quantities of the radioactive material were found in a number of areas at the itsu sushi restaurant at 167 piccadilly , london and in areas of the millennium hotel , grosvenor square , london and at the home of the deceased in london 英國生防護局稱在倫敦皮卡迪利大道piccadilly 167號itsu壽司店及倫敦grosvenor廣場的millennium酒店內的部份地點和死者于倫敦的寓所均發現小量釙- 210 。

The grosvenor house of the hotel has taken on a new look since the renovation . the decoration of its 28 suites has mixed european - style and modern fashion together . its ranks first among the luxurious hotels in shanghai 值得驕傲的是,經過重新裝修改造的錦江貴賓樓, 28套房間均采用歐式傳統與現代風格相結合的裝飾,并配以一流的硬件設施,成為上海豪華級賓館之冠。

Grosvenor cared a great deal about conservation and the protection of wildlife , and both causes are the subject of many of the current programs and educational materials offered by the society 葛洛佛納對于保留區的規劃與野生動物的保護也不遺馀力,而這兩個主題也成為全美地理學會現在主要的研究計畫與教育資源材料。

“ dusty “ tremwick , grosvenor park ' s sure - fingered center copped the individual scoring honors with a season ' s grand ( and we do mean grand ) total of 376points “塵土”特雷姆威克,格羅斯文諾公園隊的中鋒神投手以一個賽季總分376分的好成績(確實是好成績)榮獲個人得分第一名。

“ my aunt , “ she continued , “ is going to - morrow into that part of the town , and i shall take the opportunity of calling in grosvenor - street . 她接下去寫: “明天舅母要上那個地區去,我想趁這個機會到格魯斯汶納街去登門拜訪一下。 ”

Mr bloom gazed across the road at the outsider drawn up before the door of the grosvenor . the porter hoisted the valise up on the well 布盧姆先生朝著停在馬路對面格羅夫納飯店門前的那輛座位朝外的雙輪馬車望去。

“ grosvenor house , the ritz and park lane are all out “ , said bette , as proud as if she had done the whole thing herself “格羅文納飯店,利茨,公園巷飯店全都罷了工, ”蓓蒂說,得意洋洋地就像她一手搞成的似的。

If it did , it would prove a serious danger to the upper classes , and probably lead to acts of violence in grosvenor square 如果是那樣,對上層社會將是一個嚴重的威脅,并可能導致在格羅夫納廣場的暴力行為。 ”

Toss off a glass of brandy neat while you d say knife . that one at the grosvenor this morning 一眨眼的工夫就把一杯不兌水的白蘭地一飲而盡。

Study on extraction of total flavones from grosvenor momordica with ultrasonic 超聲波提取羅漢果中總黃酮的工藝研究

We are a long way from grosvenor square , are we not , mr darcy 我們從羅夫納酒店千里迢迢趕來的就為這?達西先生?