
grizzle 短語和例子grizzle1vi.〔英口〕1.煩惱,煩躁。...


Monsieur the marquis cast his eyes over the submissive faces that drooped before him , as the like of himself had drooped before monseigneur of the court - only the difference was , that these faces drooped merely to suffer and not to propitiate - when a grizzled mender of the roads joined the group 侯爵大人目光落到低垂在他面前的一片馴順的面孔上,那些面孔跟他自己在宮廷的大人面前低首斂眉時的樣子頗有些相像-只是有一點不同,這些面孔低了下來是準備受苦而不是為了贖罪。

For example , in bollantlokwe i spoke with a group of grizzled old men about life after death , in lebetloane i discussed master s teachings with several middle - aged women , in ga habedi i spoke of the aids issue with some young people , and in dikebu a bright , crippled woman , her blind husband and i examined the nature of karma 例如在bollantlokwe ,我與一些白發蒼蒼的老人談到死后的生命在lebetloane ,向一些中年婦女介紹師父的教理在ga habedi ,和年輕人討論愛滋病的問題在dikebu ,則和一位不良于行但生性開朗的女士以及她失明的丈夫談到業障。

What it was , whether beast or human being , one could not , at first sight , tell : it grovelled , seemingly , on all fours ; it snatched and growled like some strange wild animal : but it was covered with clothing , and a quantity of dark , grizzled hair , wild as a mane , hid its head and face 在房間另一頭的暗影里,一個人影在前后跑動,那究竟是什么,是動物還是人,粗粗一看難以辨認。它好象四肢著地趴著,又是抓又是叫,活象某種奇異的野生動物,只不過有衣服蔽體罷了。一頭黑白相間亂如鬃毛的頭發遮去了她的頭和臉。

What winds conveyed this hurry to the grizzled mender of roads , already at work on the hill - top beyond the village , with his day s dinner not much to carry lying in a bundle that it was worth no crow s while to peck at , on a heap of stones 是什么風使那頭發灰白的補路工這么匆忙?他已在村外的坡頂上開始了工作,他那沒多少分量的午餐包放在一堆石頭上,連母牛也不愿碰它一碰。

A london auction house , spink , is selling two grizzled prunes that it says were destined to be stuffed with maps or other documents and smuggled to prisoners of war . the prunes were part of the memorabilia collection of a british spy 據美聯社4月11日報道,二戰時,盟軍特工將李子干里填滿地圖或其它秘密文件,偷偷攜帶給關押在集中營中的囚犯,為他們提供越獄后的回家路線圖。

There he stood , with a border of grizzled locks beneath his skull - cap ; while his grey eyes , accustomed to the shaded light of his study , were winking , like those of hester s infant , in the unadulterated sunshine 他站在那里,便帽下面露出一綹灰白的假發他那雙習慣于他的書齋中朦朧光線的灰色眼睛,在這纖變不染的陽光中,也象海絲特的嬰兒的眼睛一樣眨著。

Beneath the glare of the mahjong parlour ' s white fluorescent tubes and roving security cameras , a grizzled , 70 - year - old pro clatters his tiles against the table , a cigarette burning slowly between his lips 在麻將廳耀眼的日光燈管及不停移動的保安攝像頭下,一名頭發斑白的70歲老頭咔嗒咔嗒地在桌上糊著麻將牌,一根香煙在他唇間慢慢燒著。

And listen to their coach , phil jackson , tell them in no uncertain terms what he thought of their performance in losing to the grizzles , a team with the worst record ( 18 - 54 ) in the nba 同時,傾聽他們教練菲爾*杰克遜的訓話,教練告訴隊員們他并沒有在任何一個時間里會想到他們會輸給這支聯盟里有著最差戰績( 18勝54負)的灰熊隊。

The staff - captain , kirsten , a man with grizzled hair , immense whiskers , thick features and a wrinkled face , had been twice degraded to the ranks for affairs of honour , and had twice risen again to holding a commission 騎兵上尉對兩臉通紅激動不安的羅斯托夫說,上尉身材高大,頭發蒼白,口髭濃重,大臉膛上布滿著皺紋。

A london auction house , spink , is selling two grizzled prunes that it says were destined to be stuffed with maps or other documents and smuggled to prisoners of war 據美聯社4月11日報道,二戰時,盟軍特工將李子干里填滿地圖或其它秘密偷偷攜帶給關押在集中營中的囚犯,為他們提供越獄后的回家路線圖。

The farmer scratched his grizzled head . “ rose “ he finally answered , “ i don ' t see why the pig should take the blame for something that happened fifty years ago . 這位農民伯伯掃了掃他頭上花白的頭發, “路絲, ”他回答到, “我不明白,為什么偏要這頭豬為已經發生了50年的錯誤負責。 ”

Wounded as he was , it was wonderful how fast he could move , his grizzled hair tumbling over his face , and his face itself as red as a red ensign with his haste and fury 漢茲雖然受傷了,但他動作之快卻令我吃驚,他那斑白的頭發披散在臉前,因氣急敗壞,臉色通紅。

Wounded as he was , it was wonderful how fast he could move , his grizzled hair tumbling over his face , and his face itself red with his haste and fury 他雖然受了傷,動作卻快得出奇,斑白的頭發披散在臉前,臉也因氣急敗壞而漲得通紅。

And while today he places great value on the time he has with his family , he is not ready to surrender his life as a poet and grizzled troubadour 現在的他盡管非常看重與家人相處的時間,卻不打算放棄詩人兼浪跡天涯的蒼發歌手生活。

Three were old men with grizzled beards and sunken eyes , men who were comparatively young but shrunken by diseases , men who were middle - aged 其中既有胡子灰白眼睛凹陷的老頭,也有年紀較輕但病得瘦巴巴的人,還有一些中年人。

Both main parties are riven by contradictions : both contain modernisers alongside a grizzled old guard of conservatives and socialists 兩個主要政黨黨內分化嚴重:一邊是年輕的改革派,一邊是白發蒼蒼的保守派。

Both main partiesare riven by contradictions : both contain modernisers alongside a grizzled oldguard of conservatives and socialists 兩個主要政黨內部都矛盾重重;雙方都不乏激進派、老保守派以及社會主義者。

A big man with grizzled whiskers and gleaming shaven head on which a stay sunbeam was dancing 他是個大個子,花白胡子,頭剃得晶光瓦亮,偶然有一道陽光在他的頭頂上搖晃著。

The grizzled old veteran irately interrogated 告訴俺呀。 ”