
gritty adj.1.粗砂質的,砂多的;砂礫的。2.剛強的,勇敢的...


In our next installment , we ll go into nitty - gritty detail about how to add password management to a software application , and perhaps more importantly how not to 在下一篇專欄文章中,我們將探究關于如何向軟體應用程式加入密碼管理的實質細節,以及(可能更重要)如何不這樣做。

The price of a poor night s sleep can be high - the next day you may feel grumpy , unable to concentrate , have gritty - feeling eyes and an overwhelming desire to cat - nap 晚上睡得不好的代價可以是很大,例如翌日您整個人會覺得煩躁,眼睛乾澀,無法集中精神,還很想小睡片刻。

Remember that by definition a model is a simplification , so it makes sense that a model , even a refined one , should not include all of the nitty - gritty implementation details 要記住,按照定義模型是一種簡化,因此模型(即使是精化的模型)不包括所有的實現細節是完全合理的。

We ll cover these nitty - gritty details two columns from now . when contiguous chunks of the same data types are allocated , the memory region is known as a buffer 這樣就引入了一種風險,即攻擊者在每次有效用戶登錄前嘗試49個口令(然后指望用戶再提供另外49個猜測機會) 。

And learn the nitty - gritty of the latest technologies and how to integrrate your favourites to make the move from a static , text - based page to a lively , engaging experience 課程,您會學到許多最新技術的精華,包括如何如何把您喜歡的內容和靜止的網頁有機結合,比如:

Before jumping into public and private keys and the nitty - gritty of generating them , i d like to show you some other options for encrypting and digitally signing xml data 在開始討論公鑰私鑰以及生成它們的基本原理之前,我想首先說明加密和數字簽署xml數據的其他方法。

Holland is a nation that is well known for its open and gritty spirit . modern dutch enjoy the fruits of predecessors , their own intelligence and industry 荷蘭是一個開通而堅韌不拔的民族。現代荷蘭人的幸福生活得益于先輩和其自身的才智與努力。

Sometimes , in fields where they have experience , they can advise managers on the nitty - gritty just as well as a venture - capital firm would 如果他們對所投資的領域有一定的經驗,他們可以給剛起步的管理者們與風險投資公司的一樣好的建議。

A gritty story , the film is a powerful thriller , with strong emphasis on style , suave cutting techniques , effects , and urbane production values 為了報答祖,剛每行動都竭盡所能識英雄重英雄,祖也視為自己的親兄弟,福禍同當,無分彼此。

It ' s a world apart from dongguan ' s gritty shoe factories where migrants sleep in crowded dormitories and line up for canteen meals 這里遠離東莞制鞋工廠? ?這個工廠里的外來務工人員每天都睡在擁擠的宿舍里并且每天都是拿著飯盒排隊打飯。

Mr . ma , honest and dedicated , aspiring and gritty , is also highly respected among others and has become an example for young people to learn 馬化騰憑借其正直務實專注積極上進堅韌不拔的品格備受尊敬,成為青年人的學習榜樣。

The core game already took us to several gritty , mostly urban locales , like offices , houses , a garage , a convenience store , and others 核心游戲已經把我們帶到了幾個以城市為主場所,象辦公室、住宅、車庫、便利店等其它地方。

The viciousness of a kind , simple - hearted soul like gritty sand in the rice and splinters in a deboned fish , can give a person unexpected pain 忠厚老實人的惡毒,像飯里的砂礫或者出魚片里示凈的刺,會給人一種不期待的傷痛。

The viciousness of a kind , simplehearted soul , like gritty sand in the rice or splinters in deboned fish , can give a person unexpected pain 忠厚老實人的惡毒,像飯里的沙礫,或者出骨魚片中未盡的刺,會給人一種不期待的傷痛

It makes little sense to start work on the nitty - gritty ofcleaning up cars or power plants without setting an overall target foremissions cuts 僅僅在汽車和電廠清潔上做工作是沒用的,如果不能制訂一個總體減排目標的話。

Rap star eminem makes a strong movie debut in 8 mile , an urban drama that makes a fairly standard plot fly through its gritty attention to detail 8里路,一條將貧富和黑白種族分隔開的街道,標志著這城市的分裂。

So , you can focus on important things like making your business flourish , and leave the nitty gritty of accounting to us 所以,您可以節省更多的時間用于你的業務開發,把那些煩人的賬目交給我們這個有效的工具。

Follow along with john zukowski as he describes these changes and provides the nitty - gritty details to get you started fast 請跟著john zukowski學習,他描述了這些更改并提供了深入的詳細信息,以便您快速入門。

Having a cause is one of successful keys , still have even if should have gritty , 100 lose the perseverance that does not answer and nerve 有目標是成功的要害之一,還有就是要有堅韌不拔,百折不回的毅力和勇氣