
grin n.(因苦痛或憤怒)齜牙咧嘴;露著牙齒笑。 sardon...


The angry fire had burned up the grinning happy husband and the fat adorable babies . 那場火燒沒了那個笑嘻嘻的快活丈夫,那些討人喜歡的胖娃娃。

This individual at times surveyed them from afar with an amused and superior grin . 此人時而咧著嘴帶著覺得好玩而又高傲的神情從遠處打量著他們。

“i can't, hey?“ said the little soldier who held the knife, grinning impudently at her . “我不能拿?”那拿刀的小個兒士兵對她嘻笑臉地說道。

“i'll need some moral support with mrs. ike,“ he said with a sheepish grin . “我需要得到艾克夫人一些精神上的支持,”他有點忸怩地哭著說。

His tie was an eyesore, but he had a pleasant, open face and an attractive grin . 他的領帶鮮艷刺目,面孔卻坦率開朗,笑容可掬,招人喜愛。

He was grinning broadly, but his smile collapsed suddenly and his eyes closed in pain . 他咧嘴一笑,但隨即笑容就消逝了,痛苦地閉上眼睛。

One of the girls looked at him down the table, and he grinned and turned red . 一位姑娘從桌子那一頭看著他,他咧嘴笑笑,臉都漲紅了。

He was grinning broadly and held out an early edition of the city's afternoon newspaper . 他春風滿面,拿出一份剛出版的本市午報。

“they might be in heaven,“ said mrs. cooper with a benevolent grin . “他們也許在天堂。”古柏太太帶著一付慈祥的笑容回答說。

“yes,“ he said, as a faint sly grin bent the corners of his thin mouth . “不錯,”他一面說,一面嘴角浮起一絲刁鉆的笑意。

His scowl broke into an angry grin as he caught his sister's eye . 他和姊姊視線相接,他愁眉不展的臉忍不住變成悻悻的笑容。

“not for a score of worlds,“ replied the dwarf with a grin . “就是拿出二十個世界來我也不會那樣,”矮子答道,苦笑著。

“we'll leave her that to remember us by,“ grinned the sergeant . “留在這兒讓她替咱們做個紀念罷。”那中士咧著嘴道。

A grinning fireman let him go back to put on pants and a shirt . 一位咧著嘴嘻笑的消防人員讓他回去穿上褲子和襯衣。

She grinned and i saw why she made a point of not laughing . 她咧嘴一笑,這下我才明白為什么她有意拉著臉不笑。

There's no getting behind that conceited swedish grin . 在那些傲慢的瑞典人的微笑后面,人們再也看不到什么了。

“no, i can't,“ returns the old man, with a sudden grin . “不,不認得,”老頭兒答道,忽然齜牙咧嘴地笑起來。

The public were titillated; they were already on the grin . 觀眾聽來覺得周身酥癢,他們已經露著牙齒笑了。

A large cat was lying on the hearth and grinning from ear to ear . 一只大貓正趴在爐邊,它正咧著嘴笑。