
grift n.〔俚語〕騙人行為。vt.〔俚語〕詐騙。


His method of grift ing isn ' t always the most prepared - and he ' s yet to master the art of the plan b - but his imagination and willpower often bring flashes of genius that save the day 他詐騙的手段并非總是面面俱到? ?所以他還要好好學著點怎么準備好應急方案? ?但他天馬行空的想像力同立場堅定的意志力往往能夠帶來天才般的靈光一閃,從而峰回路轉、化險為夷。

What roy , a veteran of the grift , and frank , his ambitious protege , are swindling . . 雖然如此,萊有驚人的詐騙天賦,從未失手。正當萊準備接受醫生的.

Some grift cheats people by email 有些詐騙中是利用電子郵件來騙人。

I ' m not the one who pimped her into the fucking grift 不是我把她拉進這個大騙局里來的!

I ' m talking about a grift , and it pays well 我在談一個騙局,而且報酬豐厚