
grenadier n.1.擲彈兵。2.【動物;動物學】長尾鱈科深海魚。3....


In recent times , it has become customary to invite units from france ' s close allies into the parade ; for instance , in 2004 during the centenary of the entente cordiale , british troops ( the band of the royal marines , the household cavalry mounted regiment , grenadier guards and king ' s troop , royal horse artillery ) led the bastille day parade in paris for the first time , with the red arrows ( the royal air force ' s aerobatic display team ) flying overhead 最近,邀請法國的親密盟國派部參加閱兵成為了一種慣例;如,在2004年紀念《友好協議》簽署百周年的慶典上,英國部隊(皇家海軍陸戰隊樂隊、近衛騎兵團、擲彈兵衛隊以及皇家騎兵炮隊中的禁衛軍部隊)就首次走在了巴黎“巴士底日”閱兵隊伍的前列,其中“紅箭” (皇家空軍特技飛行表演隊)還貫空而過。

A wild - looking woman , whom even in his agitation , mr . lorry observed to be all of a red colour , and to have red hair , and to be dressed in some extraordinary tight fitting fashion , and to have on her head a most wonderful bonnet like a grenadier wooden measure , and good measure too , or a great stilton cheese , came running into the room in advance of the inn servants , and soon settled the question of his detachment from the poor young lady , by laying a brawny hand upon his chest , and sending him flying back against the nearest wall 紅頭發,特別的裹身紅衣服。非常奇妙的女帽,像是王室衛隊擲彈兵用的大容量的木質取酒器,或是一大塊斯梯爾頓奶酪。這女人立即把他跟那可憐的小姐分開了-她把一只結實的手伸到他胸前一搡,便讓他倒退回去,撞在靠近的墻上。

Four days before sentinels of the preobrazhensky regiment had been on guard before the very house to which balashov was conducted . now two french grenadiers were on duty before it , wearing fur caps and blue uniforms open over the breast , while an escort of hussars and uhlans , and a brilliant suite of adjutants , pages , and generals were waiting for napoleon to come out , forming a group round his saddle - horse at the steps and his mameluke , rustan . napoleon received balashov in the very house in vilna from which alexander had despatched him 四天前,巴拉瑟夫也被領進同一幢房子,那時房門外站著普列奧布拉任斯基團的崗哨,現在卻站著兩名身穿敞襟藍制服,頭戴毛茸茸的皮帽的擲彈兵,此外還有恭候拿破侖出來的一隊驃騎兵和槍騎兵,一群服飾華美的侍從武官少年侍從以及將軍們,這些人都站在臺階前拿破侖的坐騎和他的馬木留克兵魯斯坦周圍。

Phileas fogg was seated squarely in his armchair , his feet close together like those of a grenadier on parade , his hands resting on his knees , his body straight , his head erect ; he was steadily watching a complicated clock which indicated the hours , the minutes , the seconds , the days , the months , and the years 福克先生四平八穩地坐在安樂椅上,雙腳并攏得象受檢閱的士兵一樣,兩手按在膝蓋上,挺著身子,昂著腦袋,全神貫注地看著掛鐘指針在移動這只掛鐘是一種計時,計分,計秒,計日,計星期,計月,又計年的復雜機器。

Prince andrey rode by the chasseur regiment , and as he advanced into the ranks of the kiev grenadiers , stalwart fellows all engaged in the same peaceful pursuits , not far from the colonels shanty , standing higher than the rest , he came upon a platoon of grenadiers , before whom lay a man stripped naked 安德烈公爵越過了獵騎兵團,在基輔擲彈兵的隊列中間,在那些從事和平勞作的英姿勃勃的人中間,在離那座高大的與眾不同的團長的棚子不遠的地方,碰到了一排擲彈兵,一個光著身子的人躺在他們前面。

It is only on the theory of this necessity that one can explain the fact that a man so cruelcapable of pulling out grenadiers moustaches with his own handthough unable , from the weakness of his nerves , to face danger , so uncultured , so boorish as araktcheev , was able to retain such influence with a sovereign of chivalrous tenderness and nobility of character like alexander 唯有這種必要性才能解釋一個親手扯掉擲彈兵胡子,神經衰弱得經受不住危險的殘酷的人,一個沒有教養,不是朝廷近臣的阿拉克切耶夫能在具有騎士般高尚和溫存性格的亞歷山大手下擁有如此大的權力。

Prince andrey stopped to look carefully at the french . lookee , lookee , one soldier was saying to a comrade , pointing to a russian musketeer , who had gone up to the lines with an officer and was talking warmly and rapidly with a french grenadier . i say , doesnt he jabber away fine “你瞧吧,你瞧, ”一名士兵指著俄國火槍兵對戰友說道,火槍兵隨同軍官走到散兵線前面,他和法國擲彈兵急速而熱烈地談論什么事, “你瞧,他嘰哩咕嚕地講得多么流利!

When he reached the guard of honour , a set of stalwart grenadiers , mostly cavalry men , saluting him , he looked at them for a minute in silence , with the intent , unflinching gaze of a man used to command ; then he turned to the group of generals and officers standing round him 他走到向他致敬的儀仗隊前面時儀仗隊多半是佩戴勛章的年輕英俊的近衛兵,他用長官沉著的目光默默地注意地看了他們一會兒,然后轉向周圍那些將軍和軍官。

His majesty drew his attention to the grenadier division and the parade march , pursued the general ; and it seems the ambassador took no notice and had the insolence to say we in france , says he , dont pay attention to such trivial matters “陛下叫他注意擲彈兵師和分列式, ”將軍繼續說下去, “那個公使好像什么都不注意,而且他竟膽敢說,我們在自己法國就不注意這等瑣碎事。國王沒有說什么。

But at that instant an adjutant galloped up with a message from the colonel of the regiment in the hollow that immense masses of the french were coming down upon them , that his men were in disorder and retreating upon the kiev grenadiers 但在這時候,一名副官從駐守谷地的團長那里疾馳而至,帶來了消息:大批大批的法軍從山下推進,一個兵團已經崩潰,正向基輔擲彈兵部隊方向撤退。

The centenarian , who grew up in an orphanage and first married when he was 14 , joined the grenadier guards and served in world war ii before switching to the navy 百歲老人在孤兒院里長大, 14歲時第一次結了婚。他參加過英國精銳部隊的近衛步兵,并參與了第二次世界大戰,之后又轉到了海軍。

The set is identified as grenadiers , which is confirmed by the triple - flame grenade badge on the men ' s shako and cartridge box , and the tall plume 這套兵人表現的是擲彈兵,這可以從帽子和彈藥盒上的帶有三個火焰的手榴彈徽章得到確認,另外帽子上的長羽毛也是一個特征。

Still , there are some units that haven ' t been part of previous versions like grenadiers and horse archers and war elephants that are not specific to only one civ 不過,仍然會有些其他版本不曾出現的單位,如擲彈兵和馬弓手,戰象將被幾個文明擁有。

He came to hong kong as a member of the winnipeg grenadiers , a canadian regiment , just before the start of hostilities in the pacific 同時,為了防范其他歐洲列強覬覦香港,英國軍方在19世紀后期起,開始在維多利亞港的兩岸筑起大量防御工事。

Panzer grenadiers max builders set from 12 to 6 . this will reduce the construction speed of panzer elite infantry 裝甲精英現在最多只能有6個士兵同時建造建筑(以前為12個) 。這將降低裝甲精英步兵的建筑速度。

Axis grenadiers lmg42 upgrade improved slightly in terms of damage and suppression rate . cost remains the same 擲彈兵的輕型mg42升級在傷害和壓制能力方面稍微增強,價格不變。

Dolohov did not answer the captain ; he had been drawn into a hot dispute with the french grenadier 多洛霍夫不回答連長的話,他卷入了跟法國擲彈兵開展的激烈的論爭。

You had better take care you are not all captured with all your cossacks , said the french grenadier “只不過你們要賣力干,別讓人家把你們和你們的哥薩克擄走了。 ”

Info : enables anti tank grenades on your panzer grenadier , assault grenadier , and tank buster squads 裝備反坦克手榴彈到你的裝甲投擲兵,突擊投擲兵和坦克破壞小隊