
gregory n.格利高里〔姓氏,男子名〕。

gregory powder

In his report to the director of operations , gregory recommended a formal investigation 他在工作報告中向執行處處長建議正式立案,展開全面調查。

Gregory that shows thee a weak slave ; for the weakest goes to the wall 葛:你正說明你是個軟弱無能的奴才;只有最沒出息的家伙,才去墻底下躲難。

Gregory : gloria , before i officially announce the reorganization , i want your final feedback 在我正式宣布重組之前,我想最后再聽一下你的意見。

Gregory is a very imaginative fellow . he can tell stories with the best of them 喬治是個很有想像力的?伙。他可是說故事的?中高手呢。請而去的。

Gregory and basil fought strongly against delay in being baptized once faith was professed 貴格利和巴西流強烈反對因在相信主之后而拖延受浸。

“ of course you lad to get on terms with gregory . “ “ now we ' re like that . “你當然得跟格雷戈里搞好關系。 “ “我們現在的關系是再好也沒有的了。

Gregory the great 大貴格利

Longworth is awfully sick , he said , after what you wrote about that old hake gregory 哦,你這個好窺人隱私成天酗酒的猶太耶穌會士

Gregory ' s done 格雷戈里吃完了

Sampson : ( aside to gregory ) is the law of our side , if i say ay 山: (向葛萊古里旁白)要是我說是,那么打起官司來是誰的理直?

Lady augusta gregory 格烈哥里夫人

St . gregory the great 圣額我略一世

Which one ' s gregory 哪個是格雷戈里

Gregory goyle is a student at hogwarts , in the same year as harry potter 高爾是霍格沃茨的一名學生,同哈利波特同年級。

Gregory of nazianzus , st 拿先斯的圣貴格利

Gregory the quarrel is between our masters and us their men 葛:吵架是咱們兩家主仆男人們的事,與她們女人有什么相干?

Chicago . i ' m trying to locate a donna gregory on michigan avenue 芝加哥。我想查一下密歇根大街的道納?格里高里的電話。

Gregory : i will frown as i pass by , and let them take it as they list 葛:我走過去向他們橫個白眼,瞧他們怎么樣。

Bahamian jazz pop superstar , gregory douglas , a hit in shanghai 上海熱潮巴哈馬爵士樂、流行樂巨星格雷戈瑞道格拉斯