
greenstone 【地質學;地理學】粗玄巖,綠巖,軟玉。


The mineralization theories related to the continued resources exploration of the crisis mines include : the model of golden deposits in greenstone belts ; the superimposed model of epithermal deposits and porphyry deposits ; the prospecting model of superfine dip gold deposit in deep ; prospecting model of copper and nickel sulfides in deep ; the associated model of lead , zinc and gold 與危機礦山接替資源找礦勘查有關的成礦理論包括:綠巖帶金礦新模式,淺成熱液和斑巖銅礦的套疊模式,微細浸染型金礦深部找礦模式,銅鎳硫化物深部找礦模式,金和鉛鋅礦共伴生模式等。

There are two sets of elements geochemical anomalies : one extends nw , and is controlled by regional faults ; the other extends ne , and intersects with the former taking on “ v “ form , and is important to mineral exploration . 3 . almost all au deposits are situated in greenstone belt of tectonic sutures 元素地球化學場表現出兩個方向的特點:一組異常呈北西向展布,受區域構造控制;另一組異常呈北東向展布,與北西向異常交叉呈“ v ”字形,具有重要找礦意義。

China is potential for gold mineral resources , especially for granite - greenstone hosted , meta - clastics - hosted , volcanics - subvolcanics - hosted gold deposit and sedimentary rock - hosted micro - disseminated gold deposits 中國金礦找礦前景可觀,以產于花崗巖綠巖地體中的金礦、產于沉積巖中的微細浸染型金礦、產于變碎屑巖中的金礦和產于火山次火山巖中的金礦最具找礦潛力。

Granite greenstone - hosted , meta - clastics - hosted , volcanics - subvolcanics hosted and sedimentary rock - hosted micro - disseminated gold deposits are of industrial value 具有工業價值的金礦類型以花崗巖綠巖型、變碎屑巖型、微細浸染型、火山次火山巖型為主。

Isle royal greenstone 羅亞爾島

Evidence from isotopic dating suggests that the greenstone belts vary considerably in age . 來自同位素年齡鑒定的證據指出,綠巖帶在年齡上彼此變化相當大。