
greenness n.1.綠色。2.新鮮。3.未熟練。


The establishment of the forest sites of paper - making industry , can not only ensure the raw material supply to the industry and reduce the production cost , but also can accelerate the greenness of the country land , increase the forest resources , ensure the ecological security and realize the sustainable management of forest 由造紙企業建立自己的原料林基地,既可以保證企業的原料供應,降低生產成本,還可以通過企業發展林業基地,提高林地資源的使用效率,增加林區林農的經濟收入,促進國土綠化,增加森林資源,確保生態安全,實現森林的可持續經營。

Oled has been attracting much attention in recent years for its superior performance in the aspects of thin and light - weight , active emitting , wide visual angle , high brightness , fast video response time , low power dissipation , high efficiency , potential low cost , flexibleness , greenness , etc . the intrinsic characteristics of oled give visual and form factor advantages over lcd , and oled has been regards as one of the most ideal and potential next - generation display technologies with its excellent characteristic on information display and device fabrication 它被業界公認為是最具發展前景的下一代顯示技術。本文對有機電致發光顯示器件的發展歷史、發展現狀和趨勢等都做了簡要的概括,研究了oled的器件結構、工作特征、獲得彩色顯示的方法以及所具有的優缺點,并在此基礎上提出了一種amoled外圍驅動系統的設計方案。本驅動系統可分為屏上驅動電路和外圍控制電路。

The wood was silent , still and secret in the evening drizzle of rain , full of the mystery of eggs and half - open buds , half unsheathed flowers . in the dimness of it all trees glistened naked and dark as if they had unclothed themselves , and the green things on earth seemed to hum with greenness 在細雨中,樹林是靜息而比幾的,半開著的葉芽,半開著花,和孵估萬千的卵子,充滿著神秘,在這一切朦朧暗昧中,赤條條的幽暗的樹木,發著冷光,好象反怕衣裳解除了似的,地上一切青蒼的東西,好象在青蒼地低哦著。

Jihua hu directed by jianjun tan facilities management ( fm ) is an important part of computerized government affairs , but there are many problems exits in present fm , such as the difficulty to maintain the integrity and greenness of data , the handicap exits in data exchanging and data sharing , the shortness to provide evidence for decision - making , and so on 城市設施管理是電子政務和數字城市的重要組成部分,但是現有管理系統存在很多問題,主要表現在數據的完整性和現勢性難以保證,數據的交換和共享困難,不能為領導決策提供支持等。

With the discussion of plm , this paper injects the green idea into it and introduces green plm . a theoretical framework of green plm is established based on the discussion about the connotation and main functions of green plm , aiming to realize the optimization and greenness as well as health during the entire product life cycle 本文首先從plm的內涵及其基本功能談起,將“綠色”思想融入到plm理念中,提出了綠色plm ,對其內涵及主要功能進行了探討,并在此基礎上建立了綠色plm理論體系框架,旨在實現產品生命周期的“協調優化”與“綠色健康”雙贏。

My wretched feet , flayed and swollen to lameness by the sharp air of january , began to heal and subside under the gentler breathings of april ; the nights and mornings no longer by their canadian temperature froze the very blood in our veins ; we could now endure the play - hour passed in the garden : sometimes on a sunny day it began even to be pleasant and genial , and a greenness grew over those brown beds , which , freshening daily , suggested the thought that hope traversed them at night , and left each morning brighter traces of her steps 積雪已融化,刺骨的寒風不再那般肆虐,在四月和風的吹拂下,我那雙曾被一月的寒氣剝去了一層皮,紅腫得一拐一拐的可憐的腳,已開始消腫和痊愈。夜晚和清晨不再出現加拿大式的低氣溫,險些把我們血管里的血凍住。現在我們己受得了花園中度過的游戲的時刻。

There are 218 luxurious and comfortable guest rooms , 4 restaurants of different flavors , 15 conference rooms with complete and advanced facilities , dozens of recreation programs and marvelous bathing and fitness center in tianlun xingming lake resort . here is the best place where you can enjoy the greenness and stay away from the chaos in the city 天倫星明湖度假村擁有218間套豪華舒適的客房, 4個風味各異的餐廳, 15個設施完備先進的會議室,幾十種時尚健康的娛樂游戲專案和豪華的洗浴中心,天倫星明湖度假村是您遠離鬧市城區擁抱健康綠色的理想去處!

Facilities management ( fm ) is an important part of computerized government affairs , but there are many problems exits in present fm , such as the difficulty to maintain the integrity and greenness of data , the handicap exits in data exchanging and data sharing , the shortness to provide evidence for decision - making , and so on 城市設施管理是電子政務和數字城市的重要組成部分,但是現有管理系統存在很多問題,主要表現在數據的完整性和現勢性難以保證,數據的交換和共享困難,不能為領導決策提供支持等。

There are a series of advantages making use of the image recognition technology to detect the stored - grain pests , such as high precise , low price , high efficiency , no pollution , less labor , convenient connection with the computer grain detection in grain deports , and so on . it can help the grain managers to make scientific decisions ; in order to they can take rational prevention - measures in time , the storage can be managed in quality , quantity and greenness 利用圖像識別的方法在線檢測儲糧害蟲,具有準確度高、價格低廉、效率高、無污染、勞動量小、便于和糧庫現有的計算機糧情檢測系統相連接等優點,有助于糧庫管理人員進行科學的決策,以及時采取合理的防治措施,達到糧食保質、保量、保鮮的目的。

Enterprise informatization and sustainable development are the common topics that manufacturing industry concerns . with the exigent trend of studying product lifecycle management ( plm ) and the increasing stringent environmental press , a more systematic management idea - - green plm is introduced in this paper , aiming to impulse the combination of manufacturing industry informatization and greenness , and to provide wider and newer space for the development of plm and green idea 企業信息化與可持續發展是當前制造業共同關注的話題,綜合研究產品生命周期管理( productlifecyclemanagement , plm )的迫切趨勢,和與日俱增的環保壓力及可持續發展戰略,本文提出了一種更系統全面的管理理念? ?綠色plm ( greenplm ) ,旨在推動制造業信息化與綠色化的有機結合,實現可持續性發展;同時為plm和綠色思想的發展拓寬道路,提供新的發展空間。

The sea voyage if well remembered by me ; the milky greenness of the waves , the curl of the foam , the dark meeting of december sea and sky , the glinting sea - birds and passing ships , made each an imprint on my vision which i yet retain - worn but not obliterated 那次航行我仍然記憶猶新;那乳白公色的海浪,蕩漾的泡沫,陰沉沉的11月的海色與天光的融合,一閃而過的海鳥和航行的船只,這一切依然歷歷在目? ?雖然經過歲月的打磨,但仍令人難以忘卻。

All in all , we arrested a total of seven persons from the car and in the vicinity . “ as hans wong related to the incident some 20 years ago , he quipped that it was admittedly somewhat daring , perhaps due to his greenness as an investigator 但我腦中只有一個意念捉著他。就在這時候,在茶樓監視的同事剛好趕到,協力把車內外合共七名疑犯一網成擒,這時我才舒一口氣!

He added : “ we will also investigate what greenness says about your personality . there is a link between cruelty to animals and cruelty to people , does caring for the environment say anything about your concern for other people ? 具體來說,就是要看看某個對動物殘忍的人,是否對其他的人也抱有殘忍態度,而關心環境的人是否也同樣關心周圍的人? ”

It was as yet too early in the year for much colour to appear in the gardens and foliage ; the so - called spring was but winter overlaid with a thin coat of greenness , and it was of a parcel with his expectations 當時的季節還早,花園和樹葉不見濃郁的春色所謂的春天只不過是冬天覆上了一層薄薄的青綠罷了。這兒正是他所期望的地方。

It is in the way , catching sunlight the way a cup catches poured water ; it is a bowl of sweet air , a basin of greenness , and of grace , and , it would seem , of peace 那是個有人煙的地域,像杯子盛載往里倒的水那樣,納波河接住照射下來的陽光;那是個充滿清新空氣的低洼地區,一片翠綠的盆地,環境優美的盆地,看來還是個平靜的盆地。

This article introduced a basal principle of modified atmosphere packaging and applications in foodstuff and fruit or vegetable packaging ; it also discussed their keeping greenness packaging method and characteristics 介紹了氣調保鮮包裝技術的基本原理以及在食品和果蔬等產品包裝中的應用,探討了其保鮮包裝方法和特點。

“ stop the white pollution and no more sighs of greenness ! ” do not just appeal , do not just plead , but also take actions , please ! the environment protection is urgent “讓白色停止污染,綠色不再嘆息吧” !這不僅僅是呼吁,不僅僅是吶喊,而應該成為一種行動,因為,保護環境已經刻不容緩。

To the hierarchy of evaluation indices and incompleteness of weight information , a greenness evaluation method with incomplete information on weights of multilevel indices was proposed 摘要針對評價指標的層次性及權重信息的不完全性,提出多層指標權重信息不完全的綠色度評價方法。

Only dont fall off your horse , he added , or youd never get on againalls well , quick march ! the otradnoe preserve came into sight , an oasis of greenness , two hundred and fifty yards away “伯爵小姐,這很好, ”大叔說, “不過別從馬上摔下來, ”他補充說, “正當的事情,走吧!