
greenery n.1.〔集合詞〕綠葉,綠樹。2.=greenhouse...


The phoenix city hotel , guangzhou with phoenix mountains at its back is facing the beautiful graceful greenery lake 廣州鳳凰城酒店背倚郁郁蔥蔥的鳳凰五環山,面朝儀態萬方的翠湖。

B : yes , look . once you get through the tunnel , both sides are slopes of lush greenery . it ' s really a site to see 是呀!你看,出了隧道后,兩旁的斜坡都是綠油油的,看了很舒服。

Des artistes is a pleasant restaurant with seating on the terrace overlooking the abundant greenery 一并設立的cafedesartistes參觀,為綠色所包圍,還有露臺座位,讓人心情愉悅。

Even with china ' s backing , these outside efforts might not succeed : honesty and greenery come from within 即使有中國支持,這些外部努力還可能無法成功:誠心和綠色化關鍵在內部。

However , there is usually one thing lacking from these urban landscapes : trees , flowers , and greenery in general 然而,城市中的風景通常都會缺乏這些:樹木、花朵以及綠色植物。

When people walk to the theater , greeneries appear and performers quietly float above lights and stars 民眾信步走上劇院時,樹海在眼前展開,表演者在靜靜的燈海與星空中飛揚。

Yes , look . once you get through the tunnel , both sides are slopes of lush greenery . it ' s really a site to see 是呀!你看,出了隧道后,兩旁的斜坡都是綠油油的,看了很舒服。

Restoration of tokyo to a “ city of water and greenery “ by developing the umi - no - mori park and waterfront spaces 開發海之森林公園和水邊地區,將東京建成“綠色與水的都市”

Adjacent to the mtr station they suggested to add a piazza with food stalls , surrounded by greenery and blossoms 廣場及地鐵站四周將種植大量樹木及花卉,營造一個綠色社區。

From tainan prison , we headed for mingte labor prison , built in an area of flourishing greenery 此地花木扶疏綠草如茵,彷如世外桃源,政府照顧獄胞的德政,由此可見一斑。

Spaces to ensure comfortable residence are disappearing as a consequence of less waterfront areas and greenery 逐漸減少的水區和綠化帶致使舒適的生活空間逐漸消失。

It is perennially covered in lush subtropical greenery , and boasts over 100 historical and cultural sites 鼓山地處亞熱帶,四季常青,名勝古跡遍布全山,數量逾百。

Red peony , greenery you collocation is ingenious , the handicraft is careful , is skill in much with material 紅牡丹,綠葉子搭配巧妙,用料多,工藝細,精!

And if america does not act , europe will undoubtedly , at some point , give up on greenery 并且如果美國不行動,歐洲將毫無疑問地在某一時刻放棄其綠色主張。

The southern park , southeast of chongqing , sprawls across the hilly landscape with its lush greenery 南溫泉公園則位于重慶市東南郊,群山蜿蜒,層巒疊嶂。

For further details and reservations , please call the balcony on 2733 2033 or the greenery on 2733 2030 請即致電雅苑座2733 2030及碧翠臺2733 2033訂座。

Hotel dining greenery caf : western - style food with french and european features , with 200 seats 綠茵閣:獨具法國和歐洲特色的西餐廳,可容納200人就餐。

There is , of course , plenty of evidence that greenery and growth are not polar opposites 當然有大量的證據顯示環境和發展之間的關系并不是完全對立的。

Surrounded by lush greenery , clear water bay knoll reflects the beauty and harmony of the natural forest 都市繁囂中,隨時尋得更珍貴的時間和空間。