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green power 〔美國〕金錢的力量。

green revolution

During the year , the hkma participated in various community events and fund - raising activities . these included several charity races , such as the hong kong marathon and the green power hike in february , and the run - up two ifc in november 2004 本年內,金管局參與多項社會公益及籌款活動,其中包括2月舉行的香港馬拉松比賽及環島行慈善行山比賽,以及11月舉行的決戰國金慈善跑。

Urban group has over the years been actively participating in various social activities like trailwalker , green power hike , community chest events and has been the social service partner of po leung kuk since 2005 . es 歷年來,富城集團積極支持及參與各項社會服務活動如樂施毅行者綠色力量環島行公益金籌款活動,并由2005年起保良局結為企業伴,共同發揚關懷社群的精神。

We have been participating in the green power hike in the last 4 years and most of the team members participated in this year s walkathon are also in their 4th consecutive years of joining the walk 綠色力量環島行,我們派出的參賽隊員大部份亦是連續第四年參與是項活動,他們持續數月來不辭艱辛的刻苦鍛? ,務求取得最佳成績的精神,獲得我們全體員工的大力支持。

In the green power hike held on 2 march 2002 , the hkma team was the 1st runner - up in the corporate organisation cup , and one of our colleagues won the male individual champion in the 25 kilometre hike 在2002年3月2日,金管局代表隊在綠色力量主辦的環島行慈善行山比賽中獲得工商機構社團團體杯亞軍,其中一位同事更在這場25公里的比賽中贏得男子組個人冠軍。

Therefore , the study on single - stage pfc and converter technique has important significance for restraining harmonic pollution , founding green power supplies and realizing miniaturization and lightweight of switching power supplies 因而研究單級功率因數校正及變換技術對抑制諧波污染,開創綠色電源,以及實現當今開關電源的小型輕量化具有重大意義。

Urban group participates in the green power hike 2007 organized by the environmental protection advocate green power for the 5th consecutive year by enrolling two teams of 8 persons in the annual walkathon this year 富城集團連續第5年參與綠色力量環島行慈善行山比賽,派出兩隊共8位員工分別競逐50公里及25公里物業管理杯。

The department actively participated in the green power hiking held by the green power in february 2006 . 10 members of the immigration department volunteer work team also served in a supporting team for the activity 二零零六年二月,本處不少員工踴躍參加綠色力量舉辦的“綠色力量環島行” , 10名入境處義工隊成員更在活

Develop green power is our long - term pursuit of the same person ; truthful if section and mold excellent quality is a long - term eternal theme , we would like to work together with you , sharing brilliant 開拓綠色電力是我們長遠人不變的追求;守信若節,鑄就卓越品質是長遠永恒的主題,我們愿與您一起攜手共進、共享輝煌!

On the basis of exploring the present condition and restrictive factors of green strategy , the author points out that compared with developed countries . chinese enterprises have lower green powers 通過分析,指出我國企業要提升自己的綠色國際競爭力,在綠色市場競爭中立于不敗之地,就必須制定和實施綠色化戰略。

Nowadays , enterprises “ competition has diversified in form . the international competitive green power is becoming the important component part of enterprises “ competitive power 現代企業的市場競爭日益多樣化,綠色國際競爭力正成為構成企業競爭力的重要因素,賦予了競爭力新的內涵。

The laser give out 10 . 7mw green light , pumped 900mw . we observed it for 40 hours , the noise of green power is lower than 1 % . we optimized the laser cavity later 激光器工作在相互平行的多縱模模式下,在900mw的泵浦輸入功率下得到倍頻光功率為10 . 7mw , 40小時連續輸出光功率噪聲1 。

Personal data ( privacy ) ordinance : the information provided by you will only be used for the entry and promotion of sports and / or green activities organized by green power 個人資料私隱條例:你所提供的資料只限用于本活動報名,以及供本會日后宣傳及推廣其他有關之環保或體育性活動。

Dongying quanlong ' s leading technology of solar energy will bring the end - less green power to millions of families and will contribute to more lovely future 東營全隆將利用光伏發電技術使太陽能這一取之不盡、用之不竭的綠色能源走進千家萬戶,為人類發展創造更美好的明天。

The group s green initiatives extend to the larger community , including sponsorship of projects such as “ walk for the environment 2005 “ , “ green power hike “ and “ eco race 2006 “ 贊助社區環保活動,如環島行2005環島行慈善行山比賽和2006環保熱點大追等。

Information about operating wind farm in minnesota , established to provide green power access to customers in iowa , minnesota , north dakota , and south dakota -主要經營大型風力發電機組的生產及銷售,并提供中試型風力發電場建設零部件和技術咨詢。

Environmentalists argue back that there is plenty of scope for generating relatively cheap green power from farm waste in the south , or from offshore windfarms 環保主義者則回應說,南部利用農場廢料或近海風田,以相對低成本發電的空間還大的很。

So far , the basic research is very few on how to improve the international competitive green power of chinese enterprises 而目前,在理論研究方面,針對中國企業如何提升自身的綠色國際競爭力,以便在激烈的市場競爭中取勝,此方面的研究還較少。

Organized by the environmental protection advocate green power , urban group again enrolled two teams of 8 persons in this annual walkathon this year 綠色力量環島行50公里物業管理杯冠軍后,今年再接再厲,派出兩隊共8位員工參與是項活動,其中

The department supports the green power and over 2 000 volunteers to clean the repulse bay in support of the 9th clean up the world in hong kong 為響應第九屆世界清潔日在香港,本署支持綠色力量和2000多名志愿人士參與清潔淺水灣活動。