
greatly adv.1.大大地,非常地。2.崇高地。


He surveyed the edifice from the outside and admired greatly . 他從外邊打量著大廈,對它贊美備至。

The complexity of the food web is thus greatly simplified . 這樣,錯綜復雜的食物網就大大簡化了。

He suffered greatly from his neglect in due accounting . 他由于很不注意及時算帳,因此大受其害。

The major was greatly pleased with the result of his diplomacy . 少校對自己的外交成就十分得意。

Countries differ greatly in determining taxable earnings . 各國對哪些收入應納稅的決定差別很大。

Even the movements of the heart and lungs are greatly reduced . 甚至心肺的活動量也大大減少了。

High packing density greatly impedes the cooling of the array . 高存貯密度很不利于陣列的散熱。

Edmund had greatly the advantage of her in this respect . 在這方面,埃德蒙的情況比她有利得多。

The speed and power of the thing was greatly to be admired . 這東西的速度和力量足以叫人嘆服。

I care for her greatly . 我非常非常地愛她。

Things have changed greatly . 情形大大不同了。

We were greatly relieved to learn that his condition was not serious . 我們的心就寬多了。

( his ) drive was greatly lessened . 銳氣大挫。

By that time the steel output will have greatly increased . 到那會兒鋼的產量將大大增加。

Such a presentation greatly facilitated examination . 這樣的顯示給資料分析帶來極大方便。

I am convinced it will add very greatly to my happiness . 我深信這會大大地促進我的幸福。

This assumption is wrong or greatly exaggerated . 這種假設是錯誤的,或是大大地夸大了的。

I thought i was going down greatly in his estimation . 我想他對我的估價正在疾速地跌落。

Our work will suffer greatly if we are careless . 我們如不小心,工作就會受到很大損失。