
great adj.1.大的,巨大的。2.很多的;充足的,十足的,非...

great ape

They show great reverence for your father . 他們對你父親深表崇敬。

He is a person of unusually great ability . 他是一個才智超群的人。

It was a great strain on my resources . 這在我財力上是一個很大的負擔。

You have made great improvements here already . 你已經整理得很不錯了。

A good education gives a man a great pull . 良好的教育能給人很大好處。

May is a month of great contrasts in temperature . 5月份溫度變化太大。

He lifted up a corner of the great mustache . 他掀起大胡子的一角。

The difficulties of the ground were great . 地形造成的困難是很嚴重的。

She speaks swahili with great fluency . 她說的斯瓦希里語非常流利。

He placed great reliance on his own ability . 他非常信賴他自己的本領。

His conversation evinced great courage . 他的談話顯示了很大的勇氣。

You do us a great honor by attending . 你肯光臨使我們感到無比榮幸。

The divergence time is now greater than 30 sec . 發散時間超過30秒。

To do right oneself is the great thing . 自己行為端正才是最重要的。

The anastomosis must be done with great care . 吻合時必須格外小心。

His arrival [coming] caused a great stir . 他的到來引起了很大的騷動。

Your friendship means a great deal to me . 你和我的友誼對我意義重大。

It's hardly a great new revelation . 它幾乎算不上什么偉大的新發現。

He paints landscapes with great facility . 他畫起山水畫兒來得心應手。