graziery n.畜牧業。
n. 畜牧業。 “grazietti“ 中文翻譯: 格拉齊耶蒂“grazier“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔英國〕畜牧業者。 “grazina“ 中文翻譯: 格拉齊納“graziella“ 中文翻譯: 格拉濟耶拉; 格拉齊耶拉“grazing“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.放牧,放牧法。 2.牧場;牧草。 “graziela“ 中文翻譯: 格拉濟耶拉“grazing acreage“ 中文翻譯: 牧場面積“grazie prego scusi“ 中文翻譯: 探弋舞會“grazing and forage croplanting science“ 中文翻譯: 植物栽培學“grazie“ 中文翻譯: 格拉齊
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Ba sed on the regional ecological condition and the resources characteristics , the measures to improve the hilly eco - environment should be multiply arranged by following the strategical rules and the technique requirements which are plantin g grass and trees sparsely , growing the crops and fruit trees in the terrace , ro tationally cutting the grass , using the forest by rationally graziery , and makin g the soil and water conservation industrialization 山區生態環境建設應從區域生態資源實際出發,按照林草建設疏林化,糧果生產梯田化,刈割草場輪作化,森林利用畜牧化,水土保持產業化的戰略原則和技術要求,鑲嵌配置。 |
The thesis is based on income question , forest coverage rate and grop production . to beging with , date envelopment analysis is proved that it can be applicated into grain for green in shan - bei district , and then in view of the fact , seven esential factors which have influence on the project are found out : expense of dam , expense of crop , expense of cash tree , expense of defense tree , other economic crop , expense of grass and graziery ; and the output factors include : income of gdp , pure income per captia , the area of decreasing land loss , graziery income , crop production , income of tree , the totle income of economic crop . after the date of each facts are puted into dea model , unefficiencial decision making units ( dmu ) found . the data that are got through adjusting unefficiencial dmus dy dea can offer guide in shanbei district upgrading of an industrial structure . at the same time , taking into account some possible problems in or after grain for green in shan - bei district , the thesis bring out some propesal to improve the circ umstance , enhance the life level and put the relation of population , resource and circumstance into a healthy orbit 因此,加快退耕還林還草,調整土地利用結構和產業結構,已成為實現山川秀美工程和可持續發展戰略的必經之路。論文以解決陜北地區的收入問題,植被問題以及糧食產量問題為出發點,首先從理論上分析了包絡分析方法在陜北地區退耕還林(草)中運用的可行性,然后結合陜北地區目前的實際情況,綜合分析出影響陜北地區退耕還林(草)的關鍵的七個因素作為輸入指標:水利水保設施投入,農作物投入,經濟林種支出,防護林支出,其它經濟作物,草類支出,畜牧業投入;以退耕還林所要解決的最終問題作為輸出指標: gdp收入、農民人均純收入、水土流失減少量、牧業總產值、糧食產量、林業總產值、其他經濟作物總產值。將各指標所對應的數據代入模型后,通過分析求解得出非有效的決策單元,再運用包絡分析方法的一些基本原理對非有效的決策單元進行調整,由此所得的數據對陜北地區的實際投入具有很好的指導意義。 |
Porcine rotavirus ( prv ) belongs to the family reoviridae . it is one of the major pathogens of diarrhea in piglets and causes a major health worldwide in graziery . infection of prv is also prevalent in china , in some area the infectious ratio of piglets is 72 % 豬輪狀病毒( porcinerotavirus , prv )是呼腸孤病毒科輪狀病毒屬的成員,是引起仔豬病毒性腹瀉的主要病原之一,給世界各地的畜牧業造成嚴重的經濟損失。 |