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gravity wave (液體表面的)重力波;引力場變化波。


Though adopting the - coordinate transformation in the control equations and mode - splitting technique , the external mode ( surface gravity waves ) is solved by the improved double - sweep - implicit finite difference method ; the internal mode ( internal gravity waves ) untilizes the eulerian - lagrangian method , which improves the implicit - difference scheme for the vertical direction . the newly developed 3d numerical tidal model with implicit scheme has been successfully applied in the radial sandbanks area 基于過程分裂法及垂向坐標伸縮變換,外模式采用改進型雙步全隱有限差分dsi法,內模式采用歐拉?拉格朗日公式,改進了三維垂向隱式格式,成功地建立了南黃海輻射狀沙脊群海域三維全隱格式潮流數學模型。

The simulation results reveal that water vapor transportation northward is responsible for the generation of the convective instability in south shandong , and the easterly wind from sea , gravity wave and convergence generated by southward invasion of weak cold air in pbl play main role in trigger , transmission and enhancement of convective systems 定性地給出了中尺度對流系統氣流運動的圖像,即:在邊界層,氣流從東南方向斜升流入中對流區,在系統中垂直上升,約在7000米一9000米高空向東北方向流出,形成非閉合的垂直環流。

Specifically , the line of deep convective seems to provide the waves energy through enhancing mass convergence / divergence , the waves tend to help organize convective elements into a line structure , the wave - cisk is an crucial mechanism , and the wave / convection interaction fit certain theories of gravity wave propagation and the vertical structure conceptual model ( 4 )在對流初始發生和雷暴并合階段,對流風暴和mgws組成一個具有正反饋機制的耦合系統,兩者以固定位相關系傳播, wave - cisk機制使波動和對流共同增強。

In section one , by using fice scheme and time - gcm , a model of trace gases and oh airglow affected by gravity wave is set up , then the propagation of nonlinear gravity wave and the effect on trace gases and oh airglow are analyzed . the result shows gravity wave excited by tropospause forcing can propagate stably to the mesosphere through the stratosphere so that energy and momentum can be transferred from one region to another . in this process , gravity wave undergoes growth , overturning , convection and breaking 在第一部分的工作中,利用全隱歐拉格式和全球熱層-電離層-中間層-電動力學環流耦合模式( time - gcm ) ,對重力波的非線性傳播及其在傳播過程中對中高層大氣中氧族和氫族成分和與之密切相關的oh氣輝輻射的影響進行了數值模擬,結果表明,從對流層向上傳播的重力波經歷了產生、發展、飽和、對流產生直至破碎的非線性演化,大氣的非等溫結構加速了重力波在中層頂區的破碎,重力波的非線性傳播是小尺度對流和湍流產生的一個重要的源。

The appearance of southern spread of inertia - gravity wave in high layer was earlier than the one in low layer . the vorticity and divergence belt take on eight as time processes . the high - layer northeast - southwest vorticity and divergence belt spread towards the south and northwest - southeast vorticity and divergence belt spread towards the north 渦度、散度帶隨時間出現八字形分布,高層東北?西南向的渦度、散度帶有向南的傳播,西北?東南向的渦度、散度帶有向北的傳播。

The model simulations indicate that the severe storm is occurred in the pattern high - level of northwest flow , the waterjumping downhill flow form taihang mountain is the key mechanism to initiate the convective , on the other hand , the terrain can induce unbalanced low - level flow , which play an importance role in generating the mesoscale gravity waves ( mgws ) by convergence and divergence in low - level troposphere ( 2 )太行山對華北強對流風暴的發生有重要作用。一方面,地形可引起邊界層風場的變化,包括風垂直切變、下坡氣流和中尺度輻合線,從而對風暴的啟動、組織和移動發揮作用;另一方面,山脈背風波動和地形產生的不平衡氣流,有利于中尺度重力波( mgws )的產生和維持,并對下游地區強對流天氣的發展產生影響。

The program includes the infrasonic signal data acquisition of three channels , 3 - d dynamic spectrum analysis , correlation analysis of 3 channel infrasonic signals , the calculation of wave direction , the wave speed , the spectrum analysis at any length and a real - time infrasonic gravity wave pressure - time ( p - t ) curve 本程序支持3路次聲波傳感器信號的數據采集、動態譜分析及次聲信號的相關分析、能計算波源的方位角、波速以及任意時間段的譜分析,并實時給出次聲重力波的壓力?時間曲線(即p ? t曲線) 。

We analyzed the meso - scale disturbance field and found that the development and spread of inertia - gravity wave had a close relationship with the development and spread of the rain belt . at the initial stages of precipitation , convection instability was strong in the low level above rain region . convection instability could inspire inertia - gravity wave 對中尺度擾動場分析發現重力慣性波的發展和傳播與雨帶的發展與傳播有密切的聯系:在降水初期,雨區上空低層的對流不穩定較強,對流不穩定可激發出重力慣性波。

And the no - isothermal structure can accelerate the breaking of gravity wave in mesospause , and the breaking of gravity wave is an important source of convection and small - scale waves . the propagation of gravity wave will affect the distribution of minor species . the breaking of gravity wave accelerates the downward transport of atomic oxygen , some smaller - scale structures appear on the horizontal distribution of atomic oxygen number density , and other chemical species are also affected due to the chemical reaction with atomic oxygen and the propagation of gravity wave 在重力波的傳播過程中,氫氧大氣成分的水平和垂直分布均受到了不同程度的影響,以氧原子的響應最為明顯,而其中重力波破碎在氧原子水平分布上的反應則是非線性重力波過程的一個重要表現;另外,分析顯示,重力波的非線性傳播對oh氣輝的峰值分布由明顯影響,小尺度重力波的傳播有時會引起oh氣輝出現奇異的雙峰分布,重力波的破碎現象也可以從對氣輝的觀測中反映應出來,這對利用氣輝觀測研究重力波傳播特性有非常重要的指示意義。

The main purpose of this paper is to treat a gravity wave field with an array of two or more cylinders and to demonstrate the wave height distribution with different flow speed or different flow incident angle in a wave - current flow field with constant depth 摘要本文的主要目的,在研究重?水波通過有限水深之群柱間時周圍?場的波高現象,以及探討波?共存時在?同?速及?同入射角?經圓柱群時所造成之波高變化。

In the metaphase of precipitation , the high - layer inertia - gravity wave presented indirect circulation posture circling the center of low - layer vortex . . at this time precipitation became stronger and moved towards the east 在降水的中期,高層的重力慣性波出現圍繞低層渦旋中心逆時針旋轉的形勢,此時降水開始加大并東移。

So we found that convection instability could inspire inertia - gravity wave . symmetry instability was benefited for spread of inertia - gravity wave and further influenced the development and motion of precipitation 可見對流不穩定可激發重力慣性波,對稱不穩定可使重力慣性波發展與傳播,從而影響到降水的發展與活動。

Gravity wave and ozone are two interesting topics in the middle and upper atmosphere . in this dissertation , they are studied by numerical simulation and instrument development respectively 重力波和臭氧是中高層大氣中研究的兩大熱門課題,本文分別從理論模式和儀器研制兩方面對它們進行了研究。

The leading explanation is that they are gravity waves , in which the restoring force is buoyancy , as when you try to force a piece of wood into water and it bobs up and down 主要的解釋認為它們是以浮力為恢復力的重力波,就好像你試著強壓一塊木頭入水時,木頭會不斷浮沉般。

These show that it is easier to inspire the severe convective weather by the action of nonlinear gravity waves in the condition of the existence of high - level jet 因此中尺度非線性重力波的相互作用是強對流天氣突然爆發和一類颮線形成的可能動力機制之

The north of the low - layer of rain belt was mainly convection instability . so the northern inertia - gravity wave was not easy to develop and to spread 雨區的北部低層以對流不穩定為主,因此向北的重力慣性波不易發展傳播。

The northern spread of high - layer inertia - gravity wave could result in the development and northern moving of low - layer vortex and precipitation 高層向北傳播的重力慣性波可導致低層的渦旋和降水發展和北移。

It was benefited for southern spread of inertia - gravity wave in the symmetric instability region of the south of the high layer of rain belt 高層雨帶南部的對稱不穩定區,有利于重力慣性波的向南傳播。

The southern spread of low - layer inertia - gravity wave was benefited for coming into being of excessive strip rain belt 低層向南傳播的重力慣性波有利于多條雨帶的形成。