
gravity n.1.認真,嚴肅,莊重。2.重要性,嚴重性;危險性。3...

gravity cell

I settled his doubts, by suddenly retrieving my gravity and desiring him to walk away . 我解除了他的疑惑,因為我突然恢復了我的尊嚴,要他走開。

Once the desired specific gravity is established, the same strength must be used henceforth . 所需的比重一經確定,以后就必須使用同一濃度的酸。

We do not realize how much we depend on the earth's gravity until we are deprived of it . 我們只是在失去地球引力時,才意識到對它的依賴程度。

The center of gravity of a flat object can be located experimentally as shown in fig 3-9 . 扁平物體的重心,可用實驗方法來確定,如圖3-9所示。

The beam of light is attracted by gravity and follows a curved path rather than a straight line . 光束受引力吸引,不沿直線而沿彎曲路線傳播。

The sun's surface gravity will be so low the outer layers will boil off into space . 太陽表面的吸引力將變得很小,太陽的外層將汽化進入太空。

Edmund still held his peace, and showed his feeling only by a determined gravity . 埃德蒙仍然一言不發,只以堅定的陰沉面孔來表示他的想法。

Phenomena in the universe are ruled by two long-range forces, gravity and magnetism . 宇宙界的各種現象由兩種長程力,即引力和磁力所支配。

Actually, the amount of maximum stability is also a function of center of gravity travel . 實際上,最大穩定性余量也是重心移動量的函數。

During impact this force is much greater than any other force, such as gravity . 在碰撞過程中,這個力遠遠大于其它力(例如重力)。

The casting shown in section fig 1-138 has its center of gravity located as shown . 圖1138所示截面的鑄體,其重心如圖所示位置。

Gravity meters and their operators were lowered to the water bottom in diving bells . 重力儀及操作員們都在鐘形潛水器內沉到水底。

This mismatch in coefficient is certain to result in instability of the center of gravity . 膨脹系數不相配必須會引起重心不穩定。

The gravity of this downward turn in the balance of safety oppressed my mind . 安全的天平發生這種一頭沉的轉變,我心里十分不安。

These changes correspond in a way to the variations of the earth's gravity with latitude . 這些變化類似于地球重力隨緯度的變化。

The radii of the rings are determined by the spacing of the gravity observation points . 圓的半徑為重大觀測點之間的距離所決定。

The chief function of the muscles of the back when one is erect is to resist gravity . 一個站立的人的肩肌的主要功能是抵抗重力。

Thus far the elder traveller had listened with due gravity . 到此為止,年長的旅行者一直在傾聽著,表現出一種恰如其分的嚴肅神態。

We shall pretend that there is a big switch that can change the pull of gravity . 我們要假設有一個能改變地心引力的大的轉換器。