
gravitate vi.1.受重力作用,受引力作用,自然被吸引。2.沉淀;...


It was most interesting to notice that different people were attracted to different aspects of master s teachings . some were drawn to learning about meditation , while others were excited about obtaining vegetarian information , and still others gravitated to master s beautiful artistic creations , jewelry and music . this demonstrates the many ways in which master reminds people of their god nature and helps guide them back to their true home 很有趣的是,我們發現師父教理的不同層面吸引著不同的來賓,有些人想來學打坐,有些人很高興獲得一些素食方面的資訊,有些人則被師父的藝術創作天飾和音樂所吸引,這顯示師父透過各種不同方式,提醒眾生他們的上帝本質,并幫助引導他們回到真正的家。

( 2 ) the gravitational toy model in canonical ensemble is also studied under the regime of generalized statistical mechanics . we find that a region of negative specific heat describing the character of gravity also exists in canonical ensemble , which is remarkably distinguished from the result of traditional statistical mechanics that the specific heat must be positive in that ensemble , implying that the gravitating system may also be described by canonical one ( 2 )在正則系綜中,我們同樣根據廣義統計力學對引力toy模型進行了研究,發現也會出現類似于微正則系綜中的負比熱現象,這明顯區別于傳統的統計力學中比熱必須非負的結論,從而得出在tsalllis統計下正則系綜也可以描述引力系統的結論。

( 3 ) on basis of the result of equilibrium gravitating potential in a gravitational system , we explain the phenomenon of scale - free peculiar velocity in the universe by studying cosmic fluid equations . furthermore , we reexamine the issue in the approach of generalized statistical mechanics ( 3 )我們根據多體引力系統中得出的平衡引力勢的形式,結合宇宙流體力學解釋了ostriker提到的宇宙中速度與尺度無關( scale - free )的現象,并在廣義統計力學范疇下進行了討論。

Therefore , to the degree that you practice being in the silence and listening , or being pure awareness , you will gravitate from a deep level of motivation toward waking up here , where you really are , and where i am , with a full comprehension of it 因此,你練習處于寂靜與聆聽或覺醒狀態到什么程度,你就會被多大的深層動力牽引,全力覺醒于此地,那是真實的你所在之處,也正是我所在之處,只是我對它已徹底了悟了而已。

Celebrity guests appearing on the program were randomly chosen to participate in the study . they anonymously took the narcissistic personality inventory test , which rates self - love levels based on seven components : superiority , exhibitionism , entitlement , gravitate toward 他們匿名參加了“自戀個性調查”測試,此測試旨在根據七個因素對各人的自戀程度進行評級,這七個因素包括:優越感自我表現欲權利欲虛榮心自信占有欲以及自負。

Unmarried couples gravitated ( 3 ) toward big cities such as new york , chicago , los angeles and san francisco , while the farm states in the great plains and rural communities of the midwest and west remained bastions ( 4 ) of traditionalism , according to the survey 調查顯示,不婚夫婦多居住在紐約、芝加哥、洛杉磯和舊金山這樣的大城市,大平原農業州和中西部、西部農村的人們則傾向于保持傳統婚姻。

Unmarried couples gravitated toward big cities such as new york , chicago , los angeles and san francisco , while the farm states in the great plains and rural communities of the midwest and west remained bastions of traditionalism , according to the survey 調查顯示,不婚夫婦多居住在紐約芝加哥洛杉磯和舊金山這樣的大城市,大平原農業州和中西部西部農村的人們則傾向于保持傳統婚姻。

In chapter 3 , we discussed the propagation of the atom laser beam , with the transverse independent of gravitate direction , which had non - conservation quality factor based on the theory of abcd formulation of propagation of a time - dependent quantum system 第三章:本章在含時量子系統的schrdinger形式理論的基礎上初步討論原子激光? ?這種品質因子不守恒的含時量子系統的傳輸問題。

And from the end of the reservoir , a 3 - mile long aqueduct would gravitate water to the shenzhen reservoir . from the reservoir , water further gravitates to hong kong . the dongshen water supply scheme started at the qiutou ( 東深工程運河起自廣東省東莞市橋頭縣,流經司馬、旗嶺、馬灘、塘廈、竹塘、沙嶺、上埔、雁田及深圳等地,全長83公里,主要建設包括6座攔河閘壩和八級抽水站。

Perhaps there is a case for the location of the relevant international markets to be shifted to this time zone as well , since trading activities and liquidity gravitate towards where the underlying demand and supply and the associated information originate 鑒于金融交易活動及市場流動性往往會跟隨實際的供求來源和其相關資訊結集,有關的國際市場也應順理成章地轉移到亞洲時區。

Our main work is following : ( 1 ) a toy model of gravity in microcanonical ensemble is investigated according to generalized statistical mechanics which is more suitable to gravitating system because of its long range and non - extensive features 主要工作如下: ( 1 )基于引力系統的長程性和非廣延性,根據廣義統計力學用微正則系綜來討論引力toy模型。

Should plans offer different funds based on age of participants , allowing young workers to select aggressive , stock - rich portfolios of funds and older employees to gravitate toward fixed - income funds 是否應該對不同年齡的參加者提供不同種類的基金,比如讓年輕職工選擇股權基金占多數的投資組合,而讓年長的職工選擇固定收入證券基金呢?

This arrangement rewards students who gravitate to courses where high marks are generously given and punishes those who seek out math and science courses , where far fewer students get the top grade 這樣的安排使那些選修易得高分課程的學生受益,而懲罰了那些選擇數學和理科課程的學生,因為這些課程中只有很少的學生能得到最高分。

“ if we do not act now , ” david li , chairman of the bank of east asia , warned at a government briefing , “ inertia will set in and business will gravitate to established financial centers overseas 東亞銀行主席李國寶在政府簡報中警告說: “如果我們現在遲疑不決,惰性會越發嚴重,生意將會被海外已經確立的金融中心所攬走。 ”

“ narcissism is really being in love with yourself , “ he said . “ so it would be natural for narcissists to gravitate toward the spotlight , where other people will also think highly of them . 他說: “自戀就是愛自己,所以,自戀的人喜愛被聚光燈包圍的感覺很正常,而且站在聚光燈下時,別人自然也會覺得他們了不起。 ”

First , it is in the interest of investors in asia for trading activities to gravitate to our time zone , where the sources of supply and demand meet and where the associated information originates 行。首先,交易活動在亞洲時區進行,本地供求以及市場資訊都匯集在此,自然符合亞洲投資者的利益。

“ there ' s a lot of babble all the time about sisterhood and a certain set of assumptions about women gravitating toward women , which we ' ve just seen now does not particularly hold . 總有許多關于姊妹情誼的蠢話,以及關于女人會吸引女人的某種假設,我們現在都看到了,這些根本不成立。

Engrossed in the music scene , jones gravitated toward local musicians and songwriters who urged her , after seeing her sing , to jump - start her own career 癡迷音樂的瓊斯深為當地的音樂人和詞曲作家所吸引,而他們在看了她的歌唱表演后也都催她趕快開辟自己的事業天地。

You may chuckle , but as we continue gravitating toward a paperless society , it ' s not difficult to imagine a day when piggy banks no longer exist 你可能會笑,但當我們的社會變得越來越無紙化時候,不能想象有一天儲蓄罐會消失。當然,也有一些幸存- -在古董店里。