
graveside n.墓邊。adj.在墓旁的;在墓旁發生的。


If fortune drive the master forth an outcast in the world , freindless and homeless , the faith dog asks no highter pribilege than that of accompanying him to guard against danger , to fight against his enemy ; and when the last senne of all comes , and death takes the master in its embrace and his body is laid away , there by his graveside will the noble dog be found , his head between his paws , his eyes sad but open in alert watchfulness , faithful and true , even to death 假若因命運的捉弄,他的主人變成了一個無家可歸的流浪者,這只忠誠的狗也依然會陪伴主人,和他一起度過難關,抵抗敵人,此外他別無他求,當萬物共同的結局來臨,死神奪去主人的生命,尸體埋葬在寒冷的地下時,縱使所有的親友都各奔前程,而這只高貴的狗卻會獨自守衛在主人的墓旁.他仰首于兩足之間,眼里雖然充滿悲傷,卻仍機警地守護著赤誠,忠貞不渝,直至死亡

Anna nicole smith was laid to rest next to her son in the bahamas friday . an estimated 100 mourners attended the funeral and graveside service for the former playboy playmate 周五,安娜妮可史密斯被安葬在她兒子的墳墓旁。估計有100名哀悼者參加了這名前花花公子玩伴的葬禮和入葬儀式。

Anna nicole smith was laid to rest next to her son in the bahamas friday . an estimated 100 mourners attend the funeral and graveside service for the former playboy playmate 安娜?妮可?史密斯于周五埋葬在巴哈馬,她兒子旁邊。估計有100名哀悼者參加這位前《花花公子》玩伴的安葬儀式。

And that fellow today at the graveside in the brown macintosh 還有今天在墓邊的那個身穿棕色膠布雨衣的家伙。

At the graveside , his widow and daughters clung to his corpse 在墓旁,他的遺孀和女兒們依偎在他的遺體邊。

After the mass of the resurrection they would all go to the graveside service . 復活彌撒過后,他們還要去參加墓地葬禮。