
grave n.1.墳墓;墓穴;墓碑;墓石。2.死;墓地;埋葬…的地...

Then in a grave murmur he said “his name is ferdie. “ 然后他煞有介事地低聲說,“他名字叫弗迪。”

grave goods

The road of salvation was mapped out from the cradle to the grave . 人們把得救之路從生至死都確定了。

Hollis knew that these people had grave doubts about top hat . 霍利斯知道這些人對“禮帽”非常懷疑。

Nana was silent at this, and her face grew grave . 娜娜一聽見這個,就一句話也不說了,臉色沉重起來。

They cast down their load and began to open the grave . 他們把車上的東西卸下來,開始挖開那座墳墓。

I wanted to push on; but the manager looked grave . 我本想繼續向前趕,不過那位經理看起來非常嚴肅。

His head appeared smiling over the rim of another grave . 他從另一個墓穴邊上探出腦袋,面帶微笑。

Then in a grave murmur he said “his name is ferdie. “ 然后他煞有介事地低聲說,“他名字叫弗迪。”

Churchill looked grave . 邱吉爾表情陰沉。

They were grave and responsible men and brave soldiers . 他們都是認真負責的人,也是勇敢的軍人。

To take the life of another is to me very grave . 對于我,奪走另一個人的生命是一件天大的事情。

At his most hesitant he was also at his gravest . 他最吞吞吐吐的時候,也就是最嚴肅認真的時候。

I see only dire poverty ahead from my feet to the grave . 面臨著我的沒有別的,只有可怕的貧困。

He suddenly fell grave . 他突然板起了面孔。

His face simulated grave concern and disappointment . 他臉上裝著一幅非常憂慮和失望的樣子。

He began with grave looks and short questions . 他開始帶著嚴肅的面孔,只簡短地寒暄了幾句。

He was a splendid, awe-inspiring, grave old man . 他是個嚴肅的老人,卓而不群,令人敬畏。

They are grave or impertinent all the day long . 他們這一天里不是莊嚴肅穆就是嬉皮笑臉。

What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave . 孩提時代學到的東西,至死不忘。