graupel n.【氣象學】霰;軟雹。
n. 【氣象學】霰;軟雹。 “grauping“ 中文翻譯: 分群“graupe“ 中文翻譯: 格勞佩“graupmann“ 中文翻譯: 格勞普曼“graupa“ 中文翻譯: 格勞帕“graupner“ 中文翻譯: 格勞普納“graup“ 中文翻譯: 格勞普“graur“ 中文翻譯: 格勞爾; 格羅爾“graunt“ 中文翻譯: 格朗特“graure“ 中文翻譯: 格勞雷“graunke“ 中文翻譯: 格勞恩克
graustark |
Rain water is produced mainly by three processes : melting of graupel , collection of cloud water by rain , and conversion of cloud water into rain . cloud water is the most important source of graupel . for snow , collection of ice by snow , collection of rain by ice and depositional growth of snow are the main sources 雨水主要來源于冰相粒子的融化、雨水和云水碰并以及云水自動轉換;冰相粒子與云水、雨水的碰凍是產生霰的主要微物理因子;與冰晶的碰并、冰相粒子和雨水的碰凍以及水汽凝華過程是產生雪的主要源項。 |
The results show that it has no effect on cloud development and cloud structure , when form factors of raindrop , ice crystal , graupel size distribution ( r , i , g ) vary respectively , r variation has a bigger effect on rainfall amount and hail fallout amount , a , variation has a smaller effect on rainfall amount and hail fallout amount 并利用這些研究結果,對云模式的使用和改進提出建議。對1988年5月3日發生在南京的冰雹云個例分別進行了雨滴譜影響的數值試驗、冰晶譜影響的數值試驗、霰譜影響的數值試驗以及雨滴、冰晶、霰譜影響的數值試驗。 |
Using the 1ap 3 - d hailstorm numerical model , we analyze influence of variation on rainfall amount , hail fallout amount , dynamical process of cloud , microphysical process , mechanism of hail suppression with seeding , and seeding outcome . besides , we use those study outcomes and bring forward some advice about using and improving model . we simulate a hailstorm occurred in nanjing county and analyze influence of raindrop , ice crystal , graupel size distribution on outcome of model 本文利用中國科學院大氣物理研究所的三維冰雹云催化數值模式,通過對冰雹云的模擬和對譜參數的數值試驗結果,分析了冰雹云中粒子譜形的變化,對云和降水過程的影響,其中包括雨滴譜、冰晶譜、霰譜的形狀參數對自然云的發展過程、降雨降雹、云中微物理過程、霰以及冰雹的形成機制的影響。 |
A complex mixed - phase explicit microphysical parameterization scheme , which also be known as reisner 2 explicit scheme was developed for use in the ncar / penn state mesoscale model versions ( mm5 ) . the single - moment schemes has additional variables for graupel and ice number concentration , in which the mixing ratio of cloud water , rain water , cloud ice , snow and graupel are predicted and number concentration specified Mm5中的reisner2方案是一種含霰的復雜混合相顯式云物理方案,該方案包含了云水、雨水、冰晶、雪和霰的混合比預報方程,同時對冰晶的數濃度作了預報。 |
The influence of the cloud droplet spectrum character and the spectrum growth and change is considered , which does not use a cut - off value for conversion from cloud water into rain water process . in the continuous coalescence equation , the particles fall velocity difference is not moved out from the integral , but is integrated in the equation as the function of diameter d to avoid the error of using particles average fall velocity . in the new scheme , generation rate of graupel due to the collection of snow by graupel and the collection of cloud ice by graupel are included 云中凝結核ccn的數濃度采用超幾何函數表示;云水向雨水的自動轉換過程采用grabowski ( 1999 )的公式,考慮了云滴譜的特征和發展變化對該過程的影響,而不是采用原方案給定閾值的方法描述該過程;對連續碰并方程不再將粒子落速差作為常量提出積分號外,而是直接作為粒子直徑函數在積分號內求解,這樣處理可以回避使用粒子群的平均落速帶來的誤差;增加了霰和雪、霰和冰晶的碰并微物理過程。 |
The simulative cloud image , made from the mixing ratios of cloud liquid water , rain water , ice crystal , snow , graupel which were outputted by the mesoscale model mm5 , resemble the gms satellite infrared image very well and also show the cloud evolution of typhoon winnie from tropical cyclone to extratropical cyclone after landing 利用高分辨率中尺度數值模式輸出的大氣中云水冰水雨水雪水成功地模擬出1997年登陸臺風winnie的云系結構。模擬云圖與氣象衛星實際觀測的臺風云圖非常相似。由于模擬云圖可以給出大氣中不同形態水物質的三維空間分布,彌補了衛星只能觀測云頂表面的不足。 |
Based on the dynamic frame of mm5 and reisner 2 explicit cloud scheme , a new double - moment microphysical scheme was developed , in which both the mixing ratios and number concentrations of cloud water , rain water , cloud ice , snow and graupel were predicted 從本質上說,該方案預報的僅僅是粒子的比含水量。在mm5動力框架內,在其中的reisner2方案基礎上采用雙變參數方案,增加了云水、雨水、雪和霰的數濃度預報方程。 |
A diagnostic equation for n0s , the y - intercept of the assumed exponential snow distribution , is allowed to vary with snow mixing ratio . the scheme assumes a marshall - palmer distribution law for rain , snow and graupel with a constant intercept parameter n0 該方案將雪的m ? p分布譜參數截距n _ ( os )表達為雪的比含水量的函數,建立了n _ ( os )的診斷預報方程。 |
The main mechanism of enhancing precipitation is that much ice nuclei turn into ices , and then snow ; graupel are formed more by microphysical processes . the melting of graupel makes precipitation more than that of unseeded clouds 主要的增雨機制是大量冰核活化成冰晶,冰晶通過增長和其他的微物理過程形成雪晶、霰,霰最后融化成降水使地面降水量增加。 |
In this paper , four cases of heavy rainfalls and snowfalls in china are simulated by using mm5 . cloud microphysical characteristics and sources of rain , snow and graupel have been particularly studied 運用中尺度非靜力數值模式mm5v3 ,對我國華南前汛期暴雨、梅雨鋒暴雨、北京東風回流降雪和遼寧寒潮大風雪等四次過程分別進行了模擬研究。 |
Are sty and graupel bead swollen have why to differ 麥粒腫與霰粒腫有何不同? |