
gratuitous adj.1.免費的;無償的。2.無必要的,無故的,無理由...

“ insects do not deserve to be eaten alive especially for a gratuitous marketing gimmick , “ peta spokeswoman jackie vergerio said 人道對待動物協會發言人杰姬?芙吉利奧說: “昆蟲何罪之有竟落得被活吞?特別僅僅是為了毫無理由的商業花招? ”

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this “這項更改目前對伊政策的提案是又一次妄圖從伊拉克倉惶撤軍的嘗試;而且是一次毫無緣由的嘗試。 ”

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this “這是一次嘗試,如果我們又一次準備令軍隊撤離伊拉克,那么毫無疑問,我們的努力將前功盡棄。 ”

“ insects do not deserve to be eaten alive especially for a gratuitous marketing gimmick , “ peta spokeswoman jackie vergerio said 人道對待動物協會發言人杰姬芙吉利奧說: “昆蟲何罪之有竟落得被活吞?

“ this is an attempt , once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it ' s a * ( gratuitous ) attempt to do this . “這是又一次企圖倉促撤離伊拉克的嘗試,而且這樣做的是毫無理由的。 ”

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this “這是再一次嚇散伊拉克避難所的又一次嘗試,并且這次嘗試是無理由的。 ”

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this “這次嘗試是另一次從伊拉克撤軍的危機,而且是一個毫無理由嘗試。 ”

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this “這又是一次從伊拉克盲目撤軍的企圖,而且是一種不理智的企圖。 ”

“ this is an attempt once again to ( stampede ) a retreat from iraq , and it ' s a ( gratuitous ) attempt to do this “這又是一次促使從伊拉克撤軍的企圖,這樣做是毫無道理的。 ”

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this “這是再一次的企圖干擾從伊拉克撤離,并且是沒理由地做這些。 ”

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this “這是另一個嘗試從伊拉克驚慌退兵,并且是一個無理由的嘗試。

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this “這是阻撓伊拉克撤軍計劃的又一舉措。這樣做是毫無道理的。 ”

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this “這又是一次蜂擁支持從伊撤軍的企圖,這樣做毫無道理的。 ”

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it ' s a gratuitous attempt to do this . 這樣又一次的草率從伊撤軍,將會使我們以前的努力付之流水。

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this 這是另一個有意從伊拉克撤軍的舉動,并且這是一個善意的舉動

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this 這份計劃又一次其他讓美軍從伊拉克撤兵,這么做毫無道理。

“ this is an attempt once again to stampede a retreat from iraq , and it is a gratuitous attempt to do this 這是再一次企圖干擾從伊拉克撤離,并且這是毫無道理的企圖

gratuitous contract

The another deems that for implementation of the oriented resettlement development , a great variety compensation in advance and later helping as well as combination of non - gratuitous and gratuitous resettlement compensation investments must be adopted , because of inadequate economic strength of our country 由于國力所限,國家給予移民的直接經濟補償不足,因此,實施開發性移民必須堅持多樣化的前期補償與后期扶持,實行移民補償投資的“有償”與“無償”相結合。

4 . the resume and the login name and password for gaining access to the related information , which an employer member obtains during the posting of the job advertisement , can not be made available to any third parties , any recruitment agencies or the associated enterprises and affiliates , with any excuses and the gratuitous or non - gratuitous means , and also can not be published , copied , circulated , distributed , and used for soliciting for a recruiting business or for any forms of commercial purposes 四雇主會員于廣告張貼期間獲取之履歷資料與查詢相關資料之帳號密碼,僅供雇主會員徵才之用,不得以任何理由有償或無償或任何形式,交給其他第三者就業服務業者或雇主會員之關系企業,代為操作,更不得將所獲取之履歷資料出版復制散布發行從事招攬工作或商業目的用途。