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grass roots 1.草根。2.農牧地區;〔集合詞〕農牧民。3.基礎,根本...

“ what ' s unique about the raccoon river watershed project is that it was driven by the grass roots “阮昆河水域工程獨特之處在于它是從基層開始發動的。

grass skiing

Two , the split of power nucleus , the inability of grass root units and the lost of support by party members all led the party unable to construct a rational organizational structure 第二,黨的權力核心的分化,基層組織的軟弱無力以及失去廣大黨員支持,使執政黨無法構建合理的組織結構,削弱了執政黨功能的發揮。

In addition both grass roots industrialization ( tves ) and officially planned economic and industrial development zones act as pull factors for investments and migrants towards suburban and rural areas 同樣,基礎工業化和政府計劃經濟還有工業開發區對投資和人口向郊區和農村遷移起著推動作用。

He was nibbling some tender grass roots when he heard wild cries echoing through the forest . running down to the river s edge , he saw the unfortunate merchant s son struggling in the water 當這只黃金鹿正優雅地嚼著青草的嫩根時,忽然聽到一陣凄厲的叫聲傳遍整個芒果林,于是它趕緊跑到岸邊。

At the same time the introduction in this paper locates the investigation of trial model for the procedure of first instance trial in courts of grass roots , and it confines the contents of treatise 同時將本文對庭審模式的考察定位為基層法院的一審程序,并對文章論述的內容進行界定。

The rural grass roots of ccp are the executor and organizer of the rural policy of ccp , and also the backbone solidifying the farmers to build up the well - off society 農村基層黨組織是黨的農村政策的執行者和農村各項工作的組織者,是團結農民群眾致富奔小康的骨干力量。

The china cdc issued the guidelines of “ hiv / aids diagnosis and treatment ” and organized national level training courses for grass roots medical staff 中國疾病預防控制中心下發《艾滋病診斷與治療指導方案(試行) 》 ,組織了全國技師培訓和基層醫師進修培訓。

Abstract : the value objective of the construction of cpc at the grass roots level consists of two parts ? elementary objective and the advanced objective 文摘:基層黨組織建設的價值目標可分為基本價值目標和最高價值目標,最高價值目標是培養“四有”新型公民。

So in part two , the author summarize on the experience and features of tax system of the grass roots level government in some countries to contrast with our country 提出應當構建以不動產稅收為核心的縣鄉財政收入體系,并提出所應遵循的原則和具體要求。

Award individual member performance records and achievements , and especially affirm the good work performed by the grass roots units 不斷完善重型肝病及人工肝血液凈化協作組組織機構,對大家的成績予以表彰,尤其對基層單位的工作予以肯定。

The people suffered more , some eating bark , some grass roots , some forced to eat white clay when they ran out of bark and grass roots 人們蒙受更多苦難,一些人吃樹皮,一些人吃草根,當他們吃盡樹皮和草根的時候,一些人被迫吃白黏土。

This dissertation focus on the revenue of the grass roots level governments , it is divided into four parts 本文第一部分對我國在分稅制財政體制初步確立以后,各級政府財政收入分配狀況以及存在的問題進行了描述、分析。

Is a model for an organization that thrives on the energy of the grass roots while trying to impose some measure of formal organization 是一種依靠基層力量發達昌盛的組織模型,同時也嘗試引入正式組織的一些節制手段。

Essentially confucian culture changes into grass root culture , making interactive intergration between little tradition and great tradition come into truth 其實質是儒家文化轉化為草根文化,實現大小傳統的互動整合。

Being grass roots regime , which is the organic component of our national regime , local government credit forms and embodies national credit 作為國家政權體系的有機組成部分,地方政府信用構成和體現了國家信用。

Wescott believes green strategies being run at a grass roots level could even render big future choices over energy production , unnecessary 威思科認為一般人民正在實行綠化策略,未來能源制造的選擇已經不需要了。

An important precondition for the realization of managing army according to law is to provide complete legal service for the grass roots of army 為軍隊基層提供全方位的法律服務是實現依法治軍的重要前提之一。

The approach is simple , yet it is proven to be one of the most effective ways of tackling poverty at the grass roots level 我們的方法很簡單,但是已經被證明是在草根的層面上解決貧困問題最有效的途徑之一。

Of the measures to promote the development of the waste recovery industry , with a view to creating more jobs for the grass roots 有何措施推動廢物回收工業的發展,從而創造更多供基層人士就業的職位?