
gras GRAS = Generally Recognized ...

During the eleventh five - plan , we must do well “ four proper attentions to both sides “ to resolve the four outstanding problems in yanan ' s regional economic development , must persist “ three promotions “ to provide the sturdy motive power for yanan ' s regional economic development , must stress “ two cultivations “ to gras two weak links of yanan ' s regional economic development , and must enhance “ one strong point “ to remove the bottleneck ' s check of yanan ' s regional economic development , which are the total way of thinking of yanan ' s regional economic development 摘要“十一五”期間,延安區域經濟發展的總體思路擬確立為:搞好“四個兼顧” ,解決延安區域經濟發展面臨的四個突出問題;堅持“三個帶動” ,為延安區城經濟發展提供強勁動力;突出“兩個培育” ,抓好延安區域經濟發展的兩個薄弱環節;強化“一個支撐” ,消除延安區域經濟發展的瓶頸制約。

“ the calves in kobe get special treatment . they drink beer mixed with milk , vitamins and eat pesticide - free grass . we add foie gras and also some korean pears . we import all the materials , and they are high quality so it is so expensive . “在神戶,那些剛出生不久的小牛便開始接受一些頗為特殊的飼養方式,它們平時總是喝摻了牛奶的啤酒,吃各種維生素補充劑和絕不使用殺蟲劑的青草等。

Mardi gras , french for “ fat tuesday ” , is a worldwide celebration 狂歡節,法語為“ , “滋潤的星期二” ,是一個世界性的慶祝活動。


During the eleventh five - plan , we must do well “ four proper attentions to both sides “ to resolve the four outstanding problems in yanan ' s regional economic development , must persist “ three promotions “ to provide the sturdy motive power for yanan ' s regional economic development , must stress “ two cultivations “ to gras two weak links of yanan ' s regional economic development , and must enhance “ one strong point “ to remove the bottleneck ' s check of yanan ' s regional economic development , which are the total way of thinking of yanan ' s regional economic development 摘要“十一五”期間,延安區域經濟發展的總體思路擬確立為:搞好“四個兼顧” ,解決延安區域經濟發展面臨的四個突出問題;堅持“三個帶動” ,為延安區城經濟發展提供強勁動力;突出“兩個培育” ,抓好延安區域經濟發展的兩個薄弱環節;強化“一個支撐” ,消除延安區域經濟發展的瓶頸制約。

What may have had the feel of a standard - issue , november nba game to the 18 , 244 people in toyota center was the super bowl , new year ' s , mardi gras , and american idol all rolled up in one to the people in yi ' s and yao ' s part of the world 對于豐田中心的18 , 244觀眾而言,能與普通11月nba比賽感覺相媲美的只有易建聯和姚明世界中人對于超級碗、新年、四旬齋前的狂歡節和美國偶像合而為一的感覺。

“ the calves in kobe get special treatment . they drink beer mixed with milk , vitamins and eat pesticide - free grass . we add foie gras and also some korean pears . we import all the materials , and they are high quality so it is so expensive . “在神戶,那些剛出生不久的小牛便開始接受一些頗為特殊的飼養方式,它們平時總是喝摻了牛奶的啤酒,吃各種維生素補充劑和絕不使用殺蟲劑的青草等。

The slices of 24 - hour fermented sour dough bread are spread with a mayonnaise flavoured with foie gras ? 30 a lb and black truffle ? 340 a lb . there is a generous helping of brie de meaux , considered europe ' s finest cheese 經過24小時發酵的面包中會散發出一種蛋黃醬的香味,這是法國鵝肝每磅價格為30英鎊,一磅合0 . 454千克和新鮮黑塊菌每磅價格為340英鎊的味道。

But just why does it cost so much ? the quality and quantity of the ingredients give some indication . the slices of 24 - hour fermented sour dough bread are spread with a mayonnaise flavoured with foie gras ? 30 a lb and black truffle ? 340 a lb 中會散發出一種蛋黃醬的香味,這是法國鵝肝每磅價格為30英鎊,一磅合0 . 454千克和新鮮黑塊菌每磅價格為340英鎊的味道。

Only the highest quality of caviar , foie gras , tuna , prime matsuzaka sirloin and golden live lobster , cooked with rose salt ' s rock and superior olive oil makes moonsha teppanyaki a unique dining experience 魚子醬、鵝肝、金槍魚腩、黃金龍蝦、頂級松坂牛排? ?最新鮮、最高級的食材,與希臘橄欖油、玻利維亞玫瑰巖鹽等特級調味料的完美組合。

The agency said it would suspend the import of meats such as ham , pork products , pate , foie gras and others because of sanitation problems in some plants recently toured by u . s . inspectors 并聲稱,由于在最近的美國檢查人員的所進行的檢查中,發現在一些加工場中存在衛生問題,美國將停止進口諸如火腿、肉制品等,但是鮮肉不在所禁范圍內。

Many people are familiar with carnival in rio de janeiro or mardi gras in new orleans , both raucous celebrations marked by wild costumes , ear - piercing music and dancing in the streets 許多人都很熟悉里約熱內盧的狂歡節以及美國新奧爾良市的四旬齋,野性的服裝,刺耳的音樂以及在大街上舞蹈組成了這樣一的盛大的狂歡節。

The 110 57 pound hamburger offered by the four seasonss is made of kobe beef with foie gras , portobello mushrooms and korean pears - served with french fries , of course 由四季飯店提供的此種天價漢堡包的主要“成分”包括日本神戶的牛肉肥鵝肝portobello蘑菇以及韓國梨和炸薯條等。

Youll find plenty of fun things to purchase here , including coffee gear with mickey mouse designs and marti gras - themed character items and accessories 除了種類豐富的紅茶葉,這里也出售美味可口的茶點以及精致高雅的茶具,是喜歡下午茶的朋友必訪之處。

The meat is seared in a pan on both sides for two minutes and then basted with yet more foie gras before being chilled for 15 minutes and sliced 牛肉需在平鍋中烤上兩分鐘至兩面微微烤焦,在冷卻之前抹上更多的鵝干醬進味15分鐘,然后切成薄片。

The chicago city council recently outlawed the sale of foie gras to protest the force - feeding of the ducks and geese that yield it 芝加哥市政會最近宣布鵝肝的銷售為不合法,以表明對生產過程中強迫鴨子和鵝進食的反對立場。

Foie gras should be served chilled with thin , buttered toast slices . a sauternes is the perfect accompaniment 冷的鵝肝派出品時完美的搭配是切片的黃油土司面包和來自法國西部的sauternes白葡萄酒。

Mardi gras is always the day before ash wednesday , when lent begins , and always falls exactly 46 days before easter 狂歡節是永遠在灰色周三之前,也就是四旬齋開始前,正好在復活節前面46天。

Confined to wire isolation cages by the foie gras industry , these ducks are suspended above a pit of their own feces 這些鴨子被關在[肥鵝肝]工業特制的隔離籠中,身下是它們的糞便坑。

“ if we ate the foie gras first , all these other dishes would taste very plain , ” he tells his guests 他告訴客人: “如果我們先吃鵝肝,其它菜的口味就非常平庸了。 ”