
graph n.1.【數學】曲線圖;坐標圖,圖表。2.統計曲線。vt...

graph paper

There is a recursive formula for the number of spanning trees in a graph . 對于一個圖的生成樹的棵數,存在一個遞推公式。

The slope of a line is independent of the scales chosen to prepare the graph . 直線的斜率與繪圖所選用的比例尺寸無關。

Evidently, the graph must be connected in order to contain a spanning tree . 顯然一個圖必須是連通的才能包含一生成樹。

In this context a graph is hardly more than a visual or computational aid . 在這方面圖僅僅是直觀的和計算的一種工具。

No medical certificate would compensate for a declining sales graph . 任何醫療證明都不能使下降的銷售指數得到報償。

Graphs offer a very general structure for the encoding of pictorial data . 圖提供了圖片數據編碼的十分一般的結構。

The assertion is known as the closed graph theorem for hilbert spaces . 這個斷語被稱為希耳伯特空間的閉圖象定理。

The finished display can finally be drawn on paper by a graph plotter . 最后可用繪圖儀把完工的顯示圖象描到紙上。

A graph is regular if every vertex has the same degree . 如果一個圖的每個頂點都具有相同的度數,則稱它是正則圖。

The graph of an odd function has the general appearance of fig 4. 1b . 一個奇函數的圖形一般如圖41(b)所示。

This happens if the graph is disconnected or has a cutvertex . 如果一個圖是不連通的或有割點,就發生這種情況。

We may always incorporate the information into the signal flow graph . 我們總可以把這些信息放入信號流圖中去。

Some problems concerning groups are best attacked by using graphs . 有關群的一些問題可以使用圖來很好地解答。

Since these eigenfunctions are equations we can graph them . 由于這些本征函數是方程,所以我們能以圖來描繪。

a clique of a simple graph α is a subset s of ν. 簡單圖的一個團是指中的一個子集s。

For simplicity we assume that the graph of the network is connected . 為了簡便起見,假設網絡的圖是連通的。

A graph which shows this variation with time is called a waveform . 電壓或電流隨時間而變化的圖形稱為波形。

Up to isomorphism, there is just one complete graph on vertices . 在同構意義下,幾個頂點的完全圖只有一個。

A complete bipartite graph is a simple bipartite graph with bipartition . 完全偶圖是具有二分類的簡單偶圖。