granum n.【生物學】葉綠體基粒。
n. 【生物學】葉綠體基粒。 “granum disc“ 中文翻譯: 基粒盤“granum-thylakoid“ 中文翻譯: 基粒類囊體“amomum granum paradisi“ 中文翻譯: 樂園子豆蔻“granulyte“ 中文翻譯: 麻粒巖“granulum parabasale“ 中文翻譯: 副基粒“granunger“ 中文翻譯: 格拉農格“granulum flagellare“ 中文翻譯: 鞭毛粒“granuno-mono-colong stimulating factor“ 中文翻譯: 粒-單集落刺激因子“granulum basale“ 中文翻譯: 基粒“granush“ 中文翻譯: 格拉努什“granulum“ 中文翻譯: 小顆粒
From green part , transition color part to yellow part of variegated leaf from h . “ so sweet “ , the changing ultrastructure of chloroplasts is roundness from ellipse , granum - thylakoid swelling , vesicle bringing and osmiophile globule adding 在花葉玉簪品種h . ‘ sosweet ’葉片的葉綠體超微結構中,從綠色部分?過渡色部分?黃色部分出現由橢圓形轉變為圓形、基粒類囊體腫脹、囊泡產生和噬餓顆粒增多的趨勢。 |
grape |
The results showed that low temperature wheat germplasm had many layers of small and closely - arranged diachyma cells , a large number of chloroplasts containing plentiful of granum lamella , and highly serried vascular bundles ; as it grew towards maturity , its structures such as diachyma cells , chloroplasts , and cells in the colored layers of seed ventral furrows aged slowly 結果表明,低溫小麥種質較高溫種質葉肉細胞小,排列緊密,葉肉細胞層數較多;葉綠體數量多,葉綠體基粒片層豐富;葉片維管束密集;隨著生育期向成熟趨近,葉肉細胞、葉綠體、籽粒腹溝區有色層細胞等結構衰老緩慢。 |
Optical microscopy and electron microscopy were employed to study the microstructure and ultrastructure of the leaves of low temperature germplasm and measure or count the lengths of diachyma cells , number of diachyma cells per unit leaf area , chloroplast number per diachyma cell , the number of diachyma cell layers and the number of granum lamella of low - temperature wheat germplasm 應用光學顯微鏡和電子顯微鏡研究了小麥低溫種質葉片顯微和超微結構,測量統計了葉肉細胞長度、單位面積葉肉細胞數目、單個葉肉細胞中的葉綠體數目、葉肉細胞層數和葉綠體基粒片層數。 |
From green part , transition color part to yellow part of variegated leaf from h . “ so sweet “ , the changing ultrastructure of chloroplasts is roundness from ellipse , granum - thylakoid swelling , vesicle bringing and osmiophile globule adding 在花葉玉簪品種h . ‘ sosweet ’葉片的葉綠體超微結構中,從綠色部分?過渡色部分?黃色部分出現由橢圓形轉變為圓形、基粒類囊體腫脹、囊泡產生和噬餓顆粒增多的趨勢。 |