
grantee n.【法律】被授與者,受讓人。


In accordance with section 4 of the public bus services ordinance pbso , cap . 230 , a multiple transport service is a service other than a service provided mainly for the carriage of passengers to or from a residential development in which no passenger is a person who frequently or as a matter of routine travels , at or about the time of day at which the journey is to be made , to or to the vicinity of a place from or through which the journey is made , approved by the commissioner for transport , after considering the interests of any grantee franchised to operate over any part of the route to be covered by the service and any other relevant matter , for the carriage of passengers by a public bus service in combination with carriage by another mode or modes of public transport service from one departure point to one destination and where a combined fare is paid for the whole journey , single or return , at a place other than at the boarding point of the bus or on the bus 根據公共巴士服務條例第230章第4條的規定,復合交通服務即署長于考慮獲得專營權以經營復合交通服務所涵蓋路的任何部分的專營公司的權益與其他有關事宜后所批準,且乘客中并無任何人是經常或慣常在一日之中旅程作出的時間或大約時間前往旅程的出發地點或途經地點,或該等地點的近處的復合交通服務,而該服務是以公共巴士服務結合另一種或多種公共交通服務,運載乘客由一起點往一目的地的服務主要為運載乘客往返住宅發展而提供的服務除外,而凡為整個旅程單程或雙程支付聯運車費,該車費于并非巴士登車點或巴士上支付。

While the new towns were occasionally given the names of the leading grantees , not a few of them bore the historic names of english royalty , frequently those of friends and relatives of governor wentworth and his own royal family , the rockinghams , in england 一些小鎮以受贈者的名字命名,其中許多名字源于英國皇室, wentworth州長的親朋好友以及州長自己在英國的皇家姓氏rockinghams 。大部分受益人是參加過印第安戰爭的軍人,其它還有荷蘭人的后裔。

Seller hereby extends to buyer , material , workmanship and performance warranties against any and all defective or faulty goods as set out in the contract , seller further grantees that the seller items are fit for the purpose and use for which are intended according to contract 依照合同陳述,賣方據此向買方保證材料、工藝和性能,拒絕任何的缺陷和次品,賣方進一步授權,銷售條款應適合于產品用途并用于根據合同所制定的條款中。

Other investors like transfer it to recognize give the capital volume or already the investment volume , must according to create throws the enterprise contract the agreement to carry on , also the grantee should conform to the establishment to create throws the enterprise investor ' s related request 其他投資者如轉讓其認繳資本額或已投入資本額,須按創投企業合同的約定進行,且受讓人應符合設立創投企業投資者的有關要求。

With regard to the environmental and hygienic problems of the lot , lands d has written to the grantee requesting follow - up actions . a site inspection by lands d on 19 october 2004 revealed that there were workers carrying out cleaning and refuse collection works 就該地段的環境及?生問題,地政總署過去已去信承批人要求跟進,并在二四年十月十九日派員實地視察,證實有工人在該處進行清理和收集垃圾工作。

Besides vetting progress reports and final reports , site visits and interviews with grantees and / project leaders are also conducted by pms members , expert reviewers , external reviewers and the qef secretariat for the purpose of project monitoring 除審閱進度報告及最后報告外,專責委員會的委員、專家監察員、外聘監察員和基金秘書處人員亦會作實地視察,以及與受資助者或計劃負責人晤談,以監察計劃的進展。

However , there was a complaint in 1992 against gic for breaching the lease condition with the operation of a concrete batching plant at kpp no . 90 . lands department issued warning letters to the grantee in the same year requesting compliance with the lease conditions 雖然如此,青洲英坭在一九九二年曾被投訴利用九龍永久碼頭第9 0號用地經營混凝土配料廠,違反了批約條件。

It is indeed important for the applicant organization or ngo to provide adequate insurance cover because the fund will not assume any legal liabilities resulting from the activities of grantees in enforcing a funded project 同時申請機構或非政府機構必須為員工提供足夠的保險保障、至為重要,因為機構推行基金資助計劃時所引致的任何法律責任,基金概不承擔。

These permissions allow the grantee of the permission , the caller of the execute as login statement , the ability to impersonate the specified login everywhere within the instance of sql server 這些權限使權限的被授權者(即execute as login語句的調用方)能夠在sql server實例內的任何位置模擬指定的登錄帳戶。

This skull , with a nearly 500 - year - old wound , believed to have been caused by a spanish firearm , was unearthed by national geographic grantee guillermo cock 圖為留有500多年槍傷的頭骨,研究發現該槍傷是由西班牙火槍所致,研究者認為這是一個古代印加男人的頭骨,他應該是參加了1536年利馬圍攻戰役。

However , the grantee has submitted a number of proposals for the use of the lot from time to time , including the latest proposal to operate an outdoor education centre at the site 不過,承批人曾就該地段的用途在不同時段提交建議書,包括最近建議在該地段營辦戶外教育中心。

Lands department ( lands d ) is now awaiting the grantee s revised proposal for operating the outdoor education centre and has no immediate plan to recover possession of the lot 地政總署現正等候該承批人就開設戶外教育中心提交修訂建議書,因此并無計劃收回該地段的管有權。

Are necessary safeguards included in the conditions of grants to ensure that grantees purchases are made in a fair and open manner , and that they represent value for money 資助條款有否納入足夠的保障措施,確保受款方進行采購工作時,以公平公開的方式購置物有所值的貨品?

This has the semantic that any context that has the grantee of the authenticate server permission as its authenticator is trusted across the whole instance of sql server , 也就是說,將authenticate server權限的被授權者作為其身份驗證者的任何上下文在整個sql server

Article xxxvii the foundation may sign agreements with a grantee to set out the method of donating and amount of donation as well as the amount and how it is to be spent 第三十七條本基金會可以與受助人簽訂協議,約定資助方式、資助數額以及資金用途和使用方式。

To enable a specific user with minimal privileges or a role to see all metadata , use a specific user or role name as the grantee instead of 若要允許具有低特權的特定用戶或某個角色查看所有元數據,請使用具體的用戶名或角色名作為被授權者,而不要使用

In case that the grantee does not use the grant in the agreed way or violates the agreement in any other way , the foundation has the right to cancel the agreement 受助人未按協議約定使用資助或者有其他違反協議情形的,本基金會有權解除資助協議。

Money , property , a deed , or a bond put into the custody of a third party for delivery to a grantee only after the fulfillment of the conditions specified 契約,合同指錢、權利、契據或契約等暫交第三者保管,待某種條件實現后再交付受讓人或權利人

Fixed server role or a grantee of control server permission , also requires control server permission when making the following changes 固定服務器角色的成員或control server權限的被授權者,則進行以下更改時還需要control server權限: