
granitic adj.花崗巖(似)的;由花崗巖形成的。


Based on the analysis of thermal contact metamorphic aureoles , granitoid interior structure , quartz axis fabric and strain characters in the different rock unites of yuanshishan granitoid and its wall rocks , the emplacement mechanism of yanshishan granitoid was studied . the magmatic explictite dynamic was advanced in light of regional stress and magma dynamic research . those conclusion was synthesized to ascertain the emplacement mechanism - granitic magma ascended in dikes with the minimum critical width of the magma ascending channels about 2 . 213 . 88m and located in the core of yindianshan dome with the passive style of dyke explictite ; the later unite is a kind of multiple emplacement mechanism with the character of active emplacement of ballooning 同時運用巖漿動力學原理從另一個角度探討其侵位驅動力。綜上指出:經分凝后的活動性巖漿在深部側向擠壓和浮力的聯合驅動下,沿深大斷裂以最小臨界寬度為2 . 213 . 88m的裂隙脈動上侵,整體以巖墻擴展的方式被動定位于銀殿山穹窿的核部,但后期屋面前單元具有主動侵位的特點應為一種復合定位機制。

Based on the study of geologic characteristics , such as mineralogic assembladge , structural and textural features of granite of guidong granitic massif , and by using petrochemical , trace - element and isotopic data , and some petrochemical , trace - element and isotopic diagrams widely applied to the identification of geo tectonic environments , authors recognize that guidong granitic massif was emplaced in post - orogenic collision environment 摘要本文在研究貴東花崗巖巖體巖石礦物組合、結構構造等地質特徵的基礎上,運用花崗巖的巖石化學、微量元素和同位素等分析數據,采用目前廣泛應用的幾種巖石化學圖解、微量元素和同位素圖解等方法,判別了貴東巖體形成的構造環境?造山帶后碰撞型。

Cl , s , f , tongchang porphyry copper deposit and the dajishan tungsten deposit are selected as the studying objectives , detailed investigations have been conducted into the geological and geochemical characteristics of the granitic rock , biotite , trace element and ree geochemistry , fluid inclusion geochemistry and the partitioning coefficients of the f , cl , cu , w . based on these data , the following conclusions are drawn : ( 1 ) fluorine can reduce the viscosity and density of magma , temperature of solide - liquidus line and change the melt frame , but cl has little effect on the melt 主要的認識如下: ( 1 ) f在花崗質巖漿中,可以降低巖漿的粘度、密度、固液相線溫度、改變熔體結構,而cl對熔體結構沒有多大的影響。 f在流體?花崗質熔體相間,絕大多數配分系數小于1 . 0 ,趨向于熔體相中配分, d _ f隨體系中f濃度的升高而增加。

The lower paleozoic strata in the south kunlun massif are kulafuhe group of cambbrian - ordovician . they consists of metamorphic detrital rocks , limestone , magnetite - bearing basalt , quartzite ( meta - silicalite ) , which suggests that they might form at active continent margin . the geochemical characteristics of volcanic and detrital rocks do indicate that they might form at an active marginal environment such as island arc etc . associated with the qimanyuter ophiolite suit , there are lots of early paleozoic granitic plutons 在昆南地塊上的早古生代地層為寒武?奧陶系庫拉甫河巖群,由變碎屑巖、灰巖、含磁鐵礦玄武巖、石英巖(變硅質巖)等組成,顯示其比昆北地塊有較大的活動性,火山巖和碎屑巖的巖石地球化學特征也反映為島弧及活動邊緣環境。

It is believed that the distribution of gold deposits in fujian is controlled by regional deep - seated structure and precambrian volcanic flysch formation containing charcoal is main gold source rock . the accumulation of gold is closely related with yanshan granitic magma intrusion 金礦空間分布受一定的區域深部構造單元所制約,前寒武系富含炭質的火山復理石建造是福建省金礦的主要礦源巖,金的富集成礦與燕山期花崗巖類巖漿侵入作用密切相關。

According to the classification principles of lithological lineage units , the granitic rocks may be divided ( in descending order ) into zhongguanyingzi ( including xiyao and erdaogou units ) and yushulinzi ( including litaizi , nianpanshan and aobaoshan units ) super - units 按巖石譜系單位劃分原則,由早到晚劃分為中官營子和榆樹林子兩個超單元,前者由西窯單元、二道溝單元組成,后者由李臺子、碾盤山和敖包山單元組成。

Thisrough terrain , with its mainly granitic ground that is susceptible to the lossof topsoil nutrients , created acute challenges for reforestation , which only could be overcome with much hard work , dedicated effort and wise planning 因此,必須以加倍的努力和熱誠,以及明智的規劃,方能排除萬難,重植綠蔭。事實上,不論在香港每一角落,重新植林的任務俱艱巨無比。

Three late yenshanian granitic intrusions named gejiu intrusion , bozhushan intrusion and laojunshan intrusion in southeastern yunnan control three super - large and some medium - small polymetallic deposits 摘要滇東南錫、銀、鉛、鋅多金屬礦床主要分布在個舊、白牛廠、都龍3個礦區,而滇東南較大的3個花崗巖體又分別出露在3個礦區或附近。

The temporal and spatial evolution of orogenic granitic belt shows certain kind of regularities : subduction type granites collision type granites extensional type granites 造山帶花崗巖的時空演變規律是:俯沖型碰撞型伸展型。

Granitic tectono - magmatic assemblages mainly reflect the genetic connections between the magma types of granites and tectonic environments 摘要花崗巖的構造巖漿組合主要反映花崗巖的巖漿類型與大地構造環境之間的成因聯系。

The granitic rocks in zhuluke area , western liaoning , emplaced during late hercynian - indosinian cycle , with rb - sr isochronal dating age of 226 . 8 260 ma 摘要朱碌科地區花崗質巖石侵位時間為二疊三疊紀。

Advances in tin distribution between granitic melts and coexisting aqueous fluids and a review of tin in fluids and melts 錫在花崗質熔體和流體中的性質及分配行為研究進展

Geology and genesis of the hercynian - indosinian granitic rocks in zhuluke area , western liaoning province , china 八道卡地區巖金成礦特征

Investigation on failure of granitic residual slope by using centrifugal model test 用離心模型試驗研究花崗巖殘積土邊坡的破壞特性

A batholith has been defined as a huge intrusive mass of granitic rock . 巖基的定義是巨大的花崗石侵入巖體。