
grande adj.〔法語〕 重大的,宏大的,盛大的,顯要的。

Is this the man from pau grande , . “ big dick “ 從格朗德來的就這個人嗎? “大玩意”

grande dame

Juventus president franzo grande stevens has revealed they are set to sell several first team players 尤文執行主席斯蒂文森透露他們準備好了賣出幾個一線隊員,以平衡球隊財政。

Released in 1977 , this liqueur is made on a base of grande champagne cognacs ranging in age up to 50 years 這款以50年陳釀干邑白蘭地為基酒的甜酒于1977年上市,它叫什么名字?

903 10th street sw . adults 4 . 25 , children seniors 2 . 25 . click for the rio grande zoo events calendar 在索道上,你可以領略到秀麗的風光,看到在你腳下動物們奔跑的影子。

She is playing to a public that is more anti - american than any other south of the rio grande 費爾南德斯在公眾面前顯示出了比格蘭德河以南其他國家更為強烈的反美情緒。

It is cognac made from a blend of from the grande champagne and petite champagne regions of france 這種干邑白蘭地采用法國大香檳區和小香檳區生產的白蘭地勾兌而成。

Gunmetal sheen of sundown bathes craggy terrain where the rio grande cuts a tortuous path 崎嶇的山體被蜿蜒的里約格蘭地河切斷,在夕陽下呈現出暗灰色光澤。

The grande champagne district can be found in what famous brandy producing region of france 大香檳區屬于法國的哪個著名的白蘭地產區?

We have a lot to get done and create a squad worthy of the grande juve 我們已經完成了很多工作,現在球隊班子可以稱之謂宏大的尤文。 ”

Rio grande city 里奧格蘭德城

Sir ! sir ! hotel vista grande 我要到豪景飯店

And grande will take this one to the halffrom more than 50yards away in play 剛德會很輕松的把球帶到50碼以外的半場

Do you still recall the frightful night we crossed the rio grande 你還記得我們穿過邊疆鐵騎軍,那個可怕的晚上嗎?

Sheraton grande tokyo bay hotel 大倉大飯店東京灣

Mane who was born in pau grande 馬內出生在格朗德小鎮

- muito grande . - obrigado , senhor -船很大-謝謝,先生

Grande fortune , bonne etoile guide 財運亨通,福星高照

Muito grande . - obrigado , senhor 船很大-謝謝,先生

And whitaker will find grande and pass as chavez is leveled 惠特克找到了越過芝華士的剛德并把球傳給了他