
grand adj.1.盛大的,宏大的;堂皇的,雄偉的。2.〔口語〕...

“he is a grand fellow,“ pug said . “他是個挺不錯的人,”帕格說。

grand canal

Life is all moon shine, a monstrous humbug, a grand suck-in . 生活全是假象,是可怕的欺詐,是一場吸引人上當的大騙局。

The problem of how to get the grand piano through the doorway baffled them . 如何把大鋼琴抬過門道的問題難倒了他們。

Some people from the city were coming, and there was to be a grand feast . 從城里來了些人,看樣子要開一次盛大宴會。

Success rarely comes as the result of a moment of grand inspiration . 憑一時沖動作出來的事,其結果很少會得到成功。

Peter mcdermott moved into the grand ballroom for a better view . 彼得麥克德莫特走進大舞廳以便看得更清楚些。

I can spare two hundred a year for a grand purpose like this . 為了這樣一個偉大的目標,我可以一年捐助兩百鎊。

The dutchman thought it a grand chance to give the fellow the slip . 荷蘭人想,這可是甩掉那個家伙的大好時機。

I feel grand . 我覺得好極了。

Life is grand . 生活是美好的。

Simkin, sitting in his office, occupied a grand sykes chair . 西姆金坐在他辦公室里那張很有氣派的安樂椅上。

The grand national will be run in spite of the bad weather . 盡管天氣不好,一年一度的全國大馬賽仍將舉行。

They are in for a grand surprise--and a deserved punishment . 等待他們是一場少有的意外和罪有應得的懲罰。

You've certainly been doing some grand work with the russians . 你和俄國人在一起確實做了些很出色的工作。

The nights are grand . 夜里真好。

He's a thoroughly grand man and a very dear friend of mine . 他是一個十分崇高的人,也是我非常好的朋友。

At this grand moment pug henry's thoughts were prosaic . 在這個偉大的時刻,帕格亨利的思想卻毫無詩意。

He assumed the grand manner very easily and carried it well . 他善于擺出一副氣派十足的架子,裝得很象。

Nature's grand hotel was its season like the others . 大自然的宏偉的客店象別的客店一樣有其自己的節令。