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gran chaco 〔常與 the 連用〕(南美洲亞熱帶地區,橫貫阿根廷、玻...

The stamps of paraguay , issued in 1932 , show the gran chaco as “ chaco paraguayo “ with the slogan “ has been , is , and will be . 郵票巴拉圭,發表于1932年顯示大查“巴拉圭查科“的口號是“一直是,現在是,將來也是.

gran turismo

The gran chaco is an alluvial plain covered with grass and hardwood forest in northeastern argentina , northwestern paraguay and southeastern bolivia 大查是一個沖積平原上復蓋著草和闊葉林在阿根廷東北部,西北巴拉圭和玻利維亞東南部

The stamps of paraguay , issued in 1932 , show the gran chaco as “ chaco paraguayo “ with the slogan “ has been , is , and will be . 郵票巴拉圭,發表于1932年顯示大查“巴拉圭查科“的口號是“一直是,現在是,將來也是.