
grammy n.〔口語〕=1.gramophone.2.grandm...

Jackson ' s “ thriller “ album won eight grammy awards and sold more than 50 million copies . the state of being found not guity 杰克遜的經典專輯顫栗曾獲得八項格萊美大獎,銷量超過5000萬張

A platinum selling sensation , who swept this year ' s grammy , winning 5 awards , including “ best new artist “ 唱片銷量達到白金,獲得了今年格萊美5項大獎,包括最佳新藝人獎。

Jackson ' s “ thriller “ album won eight grammy awards and sold more than 50 million copies 杰克遜的經典專輯顫栗曾獲得八項格萊美大獎,銷量超過5000萬張。

Jackson ' s “ thriller “ album won eight grammy awards and sold more than 50 million copies 杰克遜的經典專輯《顫栗》曾獲得八項格萊美大獎,銷量超過5000萬張。

Jackson s “ thriller “ album won eight grammy awards and sold more than 50 million copies 杰克遜的經典專輯顫栗曾獲得八項格萊美大獎,銷量超過5000萬張。


The grammy awards process begins with members and record companies submitting entries , which are then screened for eligibility and category placement 錄音學會的創始者們想表彰和頌揚的不僅包括才華橫溢的音樂家和歌手,還有那些舉足輕重的幕后貢獻者,如制作人及技術人員的藝術成就。

The grammy award - winning composer writes and records his own albums , but he also enjoys writing music for movies . he says each song is a challenge 雖然由獲得葛萊美獎作曲家創作并且錄制了他自己的專輯,但是他也喜歡為電影創作音樂。他表示每一首歌都是一個挑戰。

On that day 43 years ago , carter could never have imagined that the song would lead to a , 000 royalty check and six grammy awards . found in archives 然而43年前錄制這首歌的時候,卡特可能絕對沒有想到這首歌能夠在這么多年后贏得2萬美元的版稅和6項葛萊美大獎。

Sheed , who won a 1987 grammy award for best album notes ( for sinatra ' s the voice ) , spoke over the decades with many of these great american songbook creators and their families 本書中,威福瑞?席德描述了一些叮砰巷、百老匯及好萊塢頂尖作曲家的趣聞軼事。

Within a year , the band sold millions of lps , made the cover of rolling stone , got heavy play on video stations , and were nominated a few grammy awards 一年間,樂隊銷出了百萬張唱片,登上了《滾石》雜志的封面,并且還是電視臺的重頭戲,提名多項葛萊美。

The grammy award - winning composer writes and records his own albums , but he also enjoys writing music for movies . he says each song is a challenge 雖然由格萊美的獲獎作曲家譜曲并錄制他自己的專輯,但是他也喜歡為電影寫歌。他說每一首歌曲都是一次挑戰。

The grammy award - winning composer writes and records his own albums , but he also enjoys writing music for movies . he says each song is a challenge 身為格萊美獎獲得者的他為自己的這張專輯作詞并錄制,但是他仍然喜歡為電影寫歌。他說每首歌都是一個挑戰。

One of the greatest country western musical , we have kathy mattea , the grammy winner , in person sharing from her new cd joy for christmas day 她是一位出色的鄉謠歌手,今天我們請來了瑪嘉堤,格林美獎得主,她要跟我們分享新唱片里的歌曲:圣誕日的喜樂。

She has earned music industry accolades from around the world : grammy awards in the us , juno and felix awards in canada , and world music awards in europe 眼睛的顏色:淺褐色優點:有主見和毅力她曾經三個星期沒有一點聲音,為了使聲帶得到休息

On that day 43 years ago , carter could never have imagined that the song would lead to a $ 20 , 000 royalty check and six grammy awards 然而43年前錄制這首歌的時候,卡特可能絕對沒有想到這首歌能夠在這么多年后贏得2萬美元的版稅和6項葛萊美大獎。

Beyonce , formerly of “ destiny child ” , won five awards in this year ' s grammy awards , strengthening her position as america ' s new pop diva 曾是“真命天女”成員的碧昂斯在本年度格萊美獎上一舉奪得5個獎項,更加奠定了她作為美國新天后的地位。

Former us president bill clinton won an unusual new honour to put among his political trophies - one of music ' s highest awards , a grammy 美國前總統比爾克林頓在他眾多的政治榮譽之外又獲得一項新的殊榮音樂界的最高榮譽之一,格萊美獎。

The trustees award followed in 1967 , recognizing primarily non - performing contributions whose scope did not fall within the grammy awards categories 在此這后的1967年設立的受托獎則是為了表彰格萊美獎項范圍之外的非表演性質的重大貢獻。

Latin american multiple grammy award singer shakira arrived in mumbai saturday for her first hip - shaking indian performance 拉丁小天后、多項格萊美獎獲得者夏奇拉于上周六抵達印度孟買,并首次在此舉辦了她的“抖胯”演唱會。