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gram stain n.細菌染色液。

Refer to 8th edition of bergey “ s manual of determiminative bacteriology and manual of common determiminative systematic bacteriology , gram staining , motility , production of catalase and oxydase etc were assayed 加擬口)的性質更為相似,因此該菌株應屬類芽抱桿菌屬中的一個新種。


Eng . ) preparation of media , culture of bacteria , isolation and purification of bacteria , preservation of bacterial strain , gram stain and observation of bacterial strain , biochemical test , growth curve , preparation and analysis of bacterial dna 中)培養基的制備,菌株的培養,菌株的分離及純化,劃線分離法,及連續稀釋法,菌株的保存,菌株的格蘭氏染色法,菌株生化反應的測試,菌株生長曲線的測定,菌株的染色體dna之制備及分析。

Refer to 8th edition of bergey “ s manual of determiminative bacteriology and manual of common determiminative systematic bacteriology , gram staining , motility , production of catalase and oxydase etc were assayed 加擬口)的性質更為相似,因此該菌株應屬類芽抱桿菌屬中的一個新種。

These two cases had cloudy peritoneal fluid with high eosinophilic count without abdominal pain , and negative of peritoneal fluid culture and gram stain 這些病人臨床上的特徵有腹膜透析液混濁、嗜伊紅性白血球增高,但無腹痛且腹膜透析液的培養及革蘭氏細菌染色均正常。

The gram stain shown here demonstrates many neutrophilic leukocytes , one of which contains gram negative intracellular diplococci indicative of neisseria gonorrheae infection 格蘭氏染色顯示許多嗜中性粒細胞,其中之一包含革蘭陰性雙球菌,提示淋病奈瑟菌感染。

This tissue gram stain of an acute pneumonia demonstrates gram positive cocci that have been eaten by the numerous pmn ' s exuded into the alveolar space 圖示:革蘭氏染色顯示大量滲出到肺泡腔的嗜中性粒細胞吞噬了革蘭陽性菌。

Gram staining method 革蘭氏染色法