
grain n.1.谷物,糧食〔英國叫 corn〕; 谷類植物。2....

grain alcohol

Its equidimensional grain size tends to mask the laminae . 它的粒度的均一往往會掩蓋了紋層層理。

Farmers produce millions of tons of grain to feed the nation . 農民生產億萬噸糧食養活全國人民。

The individual grains are much more rigid than the grain skeleton . 顆粒本身遠比顆粒格架堅硬。

The soil produces grain . 這塊地出產糧食。

It is evident that we are to have a backward season for grain . 我們谷物收成的季節顯然會推遲。

Grain should be fumigated within two weeks after harvest . 谷物收獲后兩周內就應進行熏蒸消毒。

The aleurone grains of ungerminated seeds contain hydrolases . 未萌發種子的糊粉粒含有水解酶。

Soybeans are handled differently from cereal grains . 大豆的加工處理與谷類的加工處理不同。

Microscopically the ores are medium grained to amorphous . 顯微鏡下,礦石為中粒至非晶質。

The granary is bursting with grain . 糧食滿倉。

Barley grains imbibe water . 大麥粒在水中吸漲。

The grain was sown in drill . 這種谷物是條播的。

Uranium coats sand grains . 鈾被覆蓋在砂巖顆粒上。

Grain orientation tends to be parallel to the coast . 顆粒的排列方向往往是平行于海岸。

The grain output is quadrupled . 糧食產量翻了兩番。

Birds feed on worms and grains . 鳥以蟲和谷物為食。

Two area defects are twins and grain boundaries . 有兩種面積缺陷,即孿生和晶粒間界。

The grain is already in the granary . 糧食已經入庫。

I had no grain of hope left . 我連一線希望都沒有了。