
graduate vt.1.〔美國〕授與…學位,準予…畢業。2.給(量杯等...

graduate course

It was the letter of a mode graduate student, polite, detailed, highly organized, with the usual academic circumlocutions . 這是標準的研究生的手筆,彬彬有禮,一絲不茍,層次分明,同時也有點一般學究的八股腔。

Minority groups called for more emphasis on their own concerns in the classroom, from elementary to graduate school . 少數民族集團要求,從小學到研究生學院的課程上應更多地重視與他們的生活息息相關的事情。

This book is the outgrowth of a graduate course in veterinary virology that we teach at the university of maryland . 本書是以我們在馬里蘭大學為研究生講授獸醫病毒學課程使用的教材為基礎編寫的。

He had been graduated from a second-rate medical school in oklahoma and had practised in a small town ever since . 他在俄克拉何馬州一所二流的醫科學校畢業后就一直在一個小鎮上行醫。

By 1908 both roosevelt and taft had come out squarely for graduated federal estate, gift, and income taxes . 到1908年,羅斯福和塔夫脫都堅決贊成分等征收聯邦財產稅、饋贈稅和所得稅。

The really governing conditions of life do not graduate away quite insensibly like heat or moisture . 真正支配生活的條件,不是象溫度或濕度那樣地于完全不知不覺中逐漸消失。

Year by year a few of these slang terms prove so useful that they graduate into respectable society . 年復一年,這些俚語中的一些證明是十分有用的,因而逐漸進入了上流社會。

Those who could afford to trade up were more likely to graduate to a buick, oldsmobile, or cadillac . 能購買得起較昂貴的汽車的人更有可能升級購買一輛別克、歐爾茨或迪拉車。

At present, several graduate courses on the subject are offered in various departments of many universities . 目前,在許多大學的各系中都開有一些關于本課題的研究生課程。

Others feel that even with a degree, doors will remain closed simply because the graduate is puerto rican . 另一些人認為,即使得到學位,這個波多黎各畢業生仍將吃閉門羹。

Others feel that even with a degree, doors will remain closed simply because the graduate is puerto rican . 另一些人認為,即使得到學位,波多黎各畢業生仍將吃閉門羹。

The poor whites live in similar huts, hoping to graduate to the other side of town . 窮苦白人住的同樣簡陋的小屋。住在這里的都巴望有朝一日能高升到鎮子的另一頭去。

Presidents have invariably also been protestants and two-thirds of them have been college graduates . 總統千篇一律是新教徒,而且三分之二是大學畢業生。

When john graduated from school , he decided that he was done with study for good and all . 約翰從學校畢業時,決定永遠不再和學習打交道了。

The tube is graduated so that flow rate can be read directly on a linear scale . 管上刻以標度,所以從線性標度上可以直接讀出流動速率的數值。

Edgar snow then went on to the westport high school from which he graduated in 1923 . 后來,埃德加斯諾到西港高中去讀書,于1923年畢業。

I had decided to take up a position opposite to that of my fellow lenin graduates . 我決定要采取一個和我的列寧格勒畢業同學相反的立場。

Each year in high school i graduated near the top of my class, with straight a's in math . 中學每年我都名列前茅,數學最好,清一色是A。

The graduates eagerly responded to the party 's call and went to work in the border regions . 畢業生們積極響應黨的號召到邊疆去工作。