gradualism n.漸進主義。-alist 漸進主義者(的)。adj.-...
n. 漸進主義。 -alist 漸進主義者(的)。 adj. -alistic “phyletic gradualism“ 中文翻譯: 種系漸變論“gradually“ 中文翻譯: 漸次地; 漸漸地; 逐漸的; 逐漸地“graduale simplex“ 中文翻譯: 簡要升階經集“gradually a smile appeared on her face“ 中文翻譯: 她臉上漸漸現出了笑容“graduale romanum“ 中文翻譯: 羅馬升階經集“gradually applied laod“ 中文翻譯: 漸加載重“graduale der wolken“ 中文翻譯: 云之圣誦歌“gradually applied load“ 中文翻譯: 漸加荷載; 逐漸施加的荷載“gradualclamsafeityy“ 中文翻譯: 漸近式夾持安全鉗“gradually applied loading“ 中文翻譯: 漸加負載“gradual-dose schedule“ 中文翻譯: 劑量遞增表
In accordance with the spirit of “ gradualism “ , “ controllability “ and “ pro - activity “ in reform , capital account liberalisation should be effected through encouraging outflow under a framework of effective regulation 按照漸進性可控性主動性的改革原則,開放資本帳應透過鼓勵資金有序流出來達到,并附之以有效的監管架構。 |
Compared to “ the big - bang model “ of russia ' s transition , the gradualism model of china ' s reform is safer and steadier 與俄?斯的“大爆炸式”轉型相比,中國的漸進主義改革?安全、 ?穩健。 |
graduate |
This text firstly wields theories and ploys as strategical administration matrix , balance - point of profit and loss , five competitory models and burgeoning strategical administr ation , which is to make a comparatively embedded analysis on broadband inside - and - out side condition including technical level , consumer characters , competitive status and mark eting status , etc , to bring forward available correspondence hypothesis of consumere and to put forward two ways - out for small - and - medium sized providers by swot matrix and big strategy matrix . one is gradualism retreat tactic . considering the particularity of broadband network industry , this text gives the design of gradualism retreat pattern . the other is incorporate strategy of scale domino and much more effective negotiationchip . especially , this text puts emphasis on discussion of incorporate implement methods , proposing to adopt the way of demanding contrast prise - fixing and output pluralism of products so as to induce the consumers to cut down marketing breeding periodicity , use crm to establish core competity for small - and - medium sized providers and simultaneously lay a foundation of next commingle dealing in this field 本文運用戰略管理理論中戰略管理模型、價值鏈、盈虧平衡點、五種競爭力模型、新興產業戰略管理、市場營銷學等思想理論和方法,對寬帶網產業內外環境(包括技術、競爭狀況、市場狀況等)進行詳細分析,總結了中小型寬帶網運營商在市場營銷、資源配置、經營成本、產品結構、政策管制等幾個方面的優劣勢,并析出其中的關鍵因素,運用大戰略矩陣、 swot分析矩陣,提出中小型寬帶網運營商一進一退兩種截然不同的發展戰略,即“漸進式退出”策略和“一體化”策略。 |
With the benefit of hindsight , there might have been some lack of foresight on my part , notwithstanding the merits of gradualism , in not introducing an explicit convertibility undertaking for the aggregate balance when it was first created . instead , we had an informal , hence discretionary , convertibility undertaking with a 500 - point cushion in the exchange rate 盡管循序漸進有其好處,但若事后孔明,我可能是有點兒不夠遠見,未能在剛創設總結馀時就推出正式的總結馀兌換保證,而只是設立了非正式,即酌情運作的兌換保證,并在適用匯率與聯系匯率之間定下500點子的距離,以提供緩沖。 |
More recently , governor zhou of the peoples bank of china has encapsulated these theories gradualism and path dependency in an interesting , academic exposition , in one of our hkma lectures in hong kong , as the concept of ensuring pareto improvement in achieving pareto optimality 較近期的,有中國人民銀行行長周小川在一次金管局講座上發表的一篇很有趣的學術演詞。這篇演詞把這些理論即循序漸進及路徑依存概括為在達到帕累托最優化的過程中,要確保取得帕累托改進。 |
The strategy of financial sector development , as in the case of the overall development strategy of the mainland of china , is , to the extent that i can observe , one characterised by gradualism , as against big bang 就我觀察所得,與中國內地的整體發展策略一樣,其在發展金融業方面亦是采取循序漸進的策略,而不是一步到位的方法。內地極為強調要平衡改革發展與穩定三者,這個重點亦涵蓋 |
There the emphasis on gradualism in financial liberalisation is obvious , although accession to the world trade organisation required a firm commitment to a specific programme for opening up the financial system , among other things 雖然中國內地加入世界貿易組織,其中一項承諾是堅決遵循一定的時間表開放金融體系,但其重循序漸進地開放金融體系的政策仍顯而易見。 |
We should approach and promote cooperation in east asia from a strategic perspective , follow the principles of building consensus through consultation and of gradualism , and appreciate and accommodate each country ' s interests and concerns 我們應從戰略高度看待和推進本地區的合作進程,本著協商一致、循序漸進的原則,體諒和照顧各國的利益和關切。 |
But then a number of changes were already being introduced . in delicate matters of monetary management involving , as in our case , the breaking of new ground , gradualism was considered a prudent approach 不過話得說回來,當時正在實行多項改革措施,關于貨幣管理這一類比較敏感的事宜,尤其涉及推行全新構思的話,循序漸進是比較審慎的做法。 |
While supporting transparency , he wisely pointed to the need to consider the ability of the public and the market to digest and absorb the relevant information , and advocated gradualism in its release 周行長一方面認同需要有透明度,但他亦同時適當地指出還要考慮公眾與市場消化及吸收有關資料的能力,并提出應以漸進性的原則發布資料。 |
In accordance with the spirit of “ gradualism “ , “ controllability “ and “ pro - activity “ in reform , capital account liberalisation should be effected through encouraging outflow under a framework of effective regulation 按照漸進性可控性主動性的改革原則,開放資本帳應透過鼓勵資金有序流出來達到,并附之以有效的監管架構。 |
I just want to say that , as in market reform generally , labour market reform takes time and that in the interest of social stability , gradualism is once again the key 當然今次演講內容并不包括勞工市場改革,我只是想指出與市場改革一樣,勞工市場的改革需時,為了確保社會穩定,循序漸進是最重要的。 |
China ' s capital account liberalization was carried out with the approach of gradualism ; this approach was vindicated very successful during and after east asian financial crisis 中國資本項目的開放是漸進的,這種漸進主義的成功在亞洲危機中得到了有力證明。 |
The best start the leadership could make is to declare the death of gradualism and announce that the state system ' s ills are to be tolerated no longer 這一代領導人所能做的最好開局應該是宣告漸進主義的死亡,并宣布國有體制的弊病已經病入膏肓,令人忍無可忍。 |
Gradualism and systematism characterize mathematics teaching and are conductive to the full development of students mathematics knowledge , ability and quality 從而使數學教學具有目的性、漸進性和系統性的特點,有利于學生數學知識、能力和素質的協調發展。 |
The most outstanding characteristic of the accounting reforms is that the way of reform is gradualism and consistent with the reforms of economy 我國的會計改革的最顯著的特征在于,它與經濟改革相適應,走了一條漸進式的道路,呈現出過渡性的特征。 |
Gradualism in market reform presents the least risk to stability in the challenging process of reform and liberalisation in an economy as big as china s 以中國這樣大的經濟體系,循序漸進式推行改革開放,對穩定造成最少風險。 |
Governor zhou argued for gradualism in the process of getting there and pointed to the need to tread carefully to avoid destabilising mishaps 周行長認為達到最優化的過程應該是漸進式,并保持審慎,以防引起混亂。 |
Compared to “ the big - bang model “ of russia ' s transition , the gradualism model of china ' s reform is safer and steadier 與俄?斯的“大爆炸式”轉型相比,中國的漸進主義改革?安全、 ?穩健。 |