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government issue 〔美國〕政府發給軍人的供給品(如被服、裝備等)〔略作 G...

The government issued a legco brief on consultation paper on the establishment of the communications authority 政府發出題為“成立通訊事務管理局諮詢文件“的立法會參考資料摘要。

It was only in 1998 that the hong kong government issued guidelines for “ procedures for handling child abuse cases “ 試想香港政府也只在98年才發出處理虐待兒童個案程序指引。

government man

In 1991 , the macau government issued the fundamental of education ( decreto - lei n 11 / 91 / m ) , which stated the requirement for teachers . nowadays , most teachers in macau possess a professional qualification 澳門政府在1991年頒布的澳門教育綱要法(法令第11 91 m號)確立了對教師資格的要求,目前澳門大部分教師已經具有教師專業資格。

In september 1997 , the government issued the medium of instruction guidance for secondary schools requiring all local public sector secondary schools to adopt the medium of instruction most appropriate to their students 一九九七年九月,政府發出《中學教學語言指引》 ,規定全港的公營中學必須以最適合學生的教學語言授課。

In 1998 , the government issued the decision on establishing the basic medical insurance system for urban employees , enforcing a basic medical insurance system for urban employees throughout the country 1998年,中國政府頒布了《關于建立城鎮職工基本醫療保險制度的決定》 ,開始在全國建立城鎮職工基本醫療保險制度。

The provincial government issued a circular asking all local government offices to ensure that people in hunan enjoy happy , auspicious and peaceful holidays during new year ' s day and spring festival 省政府發出通知,要求各地切實做好元旦、春節期間的有關工作,確保全省人民過一個歡樂、祥和、安定的節日。

Last year , the government issued a policy framework for the management of municipal solid waste in hong kong , detailing the strategy for the management of msw in hong kong for the ten years from 2005 to 2014 去年,政府發表了都市固體廢物管理政策大綱,臚列了由二零零五年至二零一四年的十年管理策略。

The government issued a consultation paper on 7 january 2005 to seek views on specific legislative proposals to amend sfo to give statutory backing to major listing requirements 政府于2005年1月7日發出諮詢文件,就修訂《證券及期貨條例》以賦予主要上市要求法定地位的具體立法建議徵詢意見。

2 . in july 1995 , the government issued a public consultation document on urban renewal which put forward a package of proposals to expedite the process of urban redevelopment and rehabilitation 2 .一九九五年七月,政府就市區重建工作發出諮詢文件,提出一系列加快市區重建和重修的建議。

The government issued a consultation paper on 7 . 1 . 05 to seek views on specific legislative proposals to amend sfo to give statutory backing to major listing requirements 政府于2005年1月7日發出諮詢文件,就修訂證券及期貨條例以賦予主要上市要求法定地位的具體立法建議徵詢意見。

Gold being quite inconvenient to carry around for spending purposed , inevitably governments issued paper certificates that were pledged to be redeemable in gold metal 譯文:既然因為購物需要而攜帶黃金很不方便,各國政府就發行作為紙幣發行的證書,保證這些證書可以兌現黃金。

The government issued last week a consultation paper on the urban renewal authority bill for public comments on our proposal to establishment an urban renewal authority ( ura ) 上星期政府發表了一份《市區重建局條例草案》的諮詢文件,徵詢公眾對于成立市區重建局的意見。

The hong kong government issued a consultation paper on labeling biotech foods , which proposed three policy options , including voluntary and mandatory measures 香港政府發出了一份關于生物技術食品分類問題的意見征詢單,提出了三種政策選項,包括自動的和強制的措施。

The government issued last week a consultation paper on the urban renewal authority bill for public comments on our proposal to establishment an urban renewal authority 上星期政府發表了一份市區重建局條例草案的諮詢文件,徵詢公眾對于成立市區重建局的意見。

Government issued a legco brief on development of an improved civil service pay adjustment mechanism and improvements to the annual pay trend survey methodology 政府就制定更完備的公務員薪酬調整機制及年度薪酬趨勢調查的改良方法發出立法會參考資料摘要。

The government issued a legco brief on subsidiary legislation relating to privileges and immunities for the world trade organization 禁區世界貿易組織香港部長級會議令小組委員會政府就關于世貿組織特權及豁免權的附屬法例發出立法會參考資料摘要。

To strengthen china unicom ' s differentiation advantage in the competitiveness with china mobile , chinese government issued the cdma license to china unicom 中國聯通是國家為了鼓勵市場競爭,打破電信壟斷而成立的一家綜合性的電信運營公司。

In 1998 , the government issued 270 billions special national debts to supply the capital of the state owned banks 1998年,國家通過財政發行2700億特種國債補充國有商業銀行資本金, 1999年通過設立四家資產管理公司剝離1萬多億不良資產。

Local government : the government issued a constitutional decree modifying the federal system by creating 26 autonomous states to replace the previous nine 行政區劃: 1991年正式實行聯邦體制,全國劃分為9個州,下屬66個省。