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government house (舊時英國殖民地等的)政府大廈,總督官邸。

government issue

The purchase comprised the acquisition of loans under various government housing loan schemes and from authorized institutions and property developers 購入的114億港元貸款,來自不同的政府房屋貸款計劃認可機構及地產發展商。

Speech by the secretary for education and manpower , mrs fanny law , at the ugc reception for outstanding students at the government house on dec 19 , 2000 民政事務局局長藍鴻震在《給香港的信》節目中的講話全文(五月二十八日)

The purchase of government housing loans served the purpose of assisting the government in its asset disposal programme to improve its fiscal position 購入政府房屋貸款亦有助政府順利執行變賣資產計劃,從而改善財政狀況。

His plan would make it easier for borrowers holding adjustable rate mortgages to refinance those loans through the government housing authority 他的計劃將使得持有調整利率抵押債券的借貨者更容易通過政府居住權籌集貨款。

Over 20 , 000 citizens had visited the government house during the four days to see the blooming azaleas in the gardens and the mini - display in the ball room 在四天內超過二萬名市民參觀禮賓府內的杜鵑花及圖片展覽。

The mixture of the architectural changes has given a special character to government house , and every change gives a layer to its history 香港禮賓府糅合了不同的建筑風格,別具特色,每一次修建都為其歷史加添印記。

The chief executive hosts a lunch at government house for the visiting chief executive of the macau special administrative region , mr edmund ho 澳門特區行政長官何厚鏵訪港,香港特區行政長官在禮賓府設午宴款待。

His plan would make it easier for borrowers holding _ _ 5 _ _ rate mortgages to refinance those loans through the government housing authority 他采取的計劃是讓借款者更容易地通過政府住房部門重新為這些貸款籌集資金。

After the establishment of the hong kong special administration region , government house has been used mainly for receiving honourable guests 香港特別行政區成立后,香港禮賓府主要是用作接待重要嘉賓的場所。

The small window at the back of his office , secured by iron bars , facing the hill and looking up towards government house , was open 在他辦公桌后有一只裝上鐵桿枝的小窗,望出去是小山坡,山坡上是當時的港督府。

An denotes interiors are not open to the public . government house is open on special occasions . here are some declared monuments 附有標記的古跡不開放予公眾參觀至于香港禮賓府,則會于每年指定日期開放數次。

The growth in assets was facilitated considerably by the acquisition of hk 10 . 5 billion loans under various government housing loan schemes 資產增長主要受惠于從不同的政府房屋貸款計劃所的105億港元貸款。

There are open days allowing public access to the gardens of government house , during which time the public can enjoy its blooms free of charge 每年均會舉行開放日予市民免費入內參觀園中花卉。

Pleasantly surprised , i immediately returned the call . it was the first call i had ever made to the government house 我略有受寵若驚之感,立即給港督覆電話,那還是我生平第一次致電督憲府。

The publication has revealed an important chapter in the history and role of the government house since july 1997 《香港禮賓府》一書得到普云創意教育基金有限公司、 thefungfoundationltd

Government house enjoyed harbour views until the present high - rise buildings in the vicinity were constructed 禮賓府建成之初,附近尚未建有現今所見的高樓大廈,故可將海港景色飽覽無遺。

An denotes interiors are not open to the public . government house is open on special occasions 附有標記的古跡內部不開放予公眾參觀至于香港禮賓府,則會于每年指定日期開放數次。

Since the establishment of the hksar , government house has become the residence and office for the chief executive 這座典雅的建筑物現為香港特別行政區行政長官官邸及辦公室。

As you all know , the cause of todays negative assets is the uncertainty of governments housing policy 相信很多人都心里有數,負資產問題的根源,在于政府的房屋政策搖擺不定。