uploads/government board.jpg

government board (交易所的)公債部。

government bond

He has also served extensively on various government boards and public bodies , including the trade development council , town planning board , university grants committee and council of the city university of hong kong 唐英年亦出任多項公職,包括香港貿易發展局、城市規劃委員會、大學教育資助委員會和香港城市大學校董會等。

The subcommittee also discussed the summary of items relating to the remuneration for members of government boards and committees approved by the finance committee ( fc ) from july 1994 to january 2000 小組委員會亦討論1994年7月至2000年1月期間財務委員會通過的與政府各議會及委員會成員酬金有關的項目的摘要。

The subcommittee also discussed the summary of items relating to the remuneration for members of government boards and committees approved by the finance committee from july 1994 to january 2000 小組委員會亦討論1994年7月至2000年1月期間財務委員會通過的與政府各議會及委員會成員酬金有關的項目的摘要。

Subc continued discussion on payment of honoraria to government boards and committee and the possibility of a review of the remuneration arrangement for government boards and committees 小組委員會繼續討論支付酬金予政府各委員會的事宜,以及就政府各議會及委員會發放酬金安排進行檢討的可能性。

Subc also discussed the current remuneration arrangement for non - official members of government boards and committees according to the work nature of the committees 小組委員會亦討論有關根據各政府議會及委員會的工作性質向相關議會及委員會的非官守成員發放酬金的現行安排。

Representing permanent secretary for commerce , industry and technology ( commerce and industry ) on relevant government or non - government boards and committees as may be required 在有需要時,代表工商及科技局常任秘書長工商出席相關的政府或非政府委員會會議

Representing permanent secretary for commerce , industry and technology commerce and industry on relevant government or non - government boards and committees as may be required 在有需要時,代表工商及科技局常任秘書長工商出席相關的政府或非政府委員會會議

Members considered that another meeting was needed to discuss the possibility of a review of the remuneration arrangement for government boards and committees 委員認為需要舉行另一次會議,討論就政府各議會及委員會發放酬金安排進行檢討的可能性。

At the meeting on 14 . 1 . 00 , hc agreed to set up the subcommittee on payment of honoraria to government boards and committees 內務委員會在2000年1月14日的會議上,同意成立支付酬金予各政府委員會事宜小組委員會。

Information on payment of remuneration for non - official members of government boards and committees 有關支付酬金予政府各議會及委員會非官方成員的資料

Information on payment of remuneration for non - official members of government board and committees 有關支付酬金予政府各議會及委員會非官方成員的資料