
gough n.高夫〔姓氏〕。

Dubbed “ the naked rambler , “ gough reached john o ' groats in far northern scotland just before night fell , cheered on by a group of local residents , gough began the walk in the british summer of june 2003 , wearing just his socks , boots , hat and rucksack 2003年6月, gough標記著“裸行者”的稱號,穿著襪子靶子和帽子,背著帆布背包開始了行程,終于在某一天夜幕降臨前到達了他此行的終點,蘇格蘭北部的john o ’ groats ,并得到了一些當地民眾的歡迎。

Original site of yang yao ji - meeting place for “ the four desperados “ 8 gough street -四大寇聚所楊耀記-歌賦街8號


Dsb offers the industry including public broadcasters a means of providing more choice . rthk , together with the information technology and broadcasting bureau , hong kong commercial radio metro broadcast corporation , ran tests on digital signals in 1998 on l - band originally from two transmitter sites mount gough and beacon hill 早于1998年,香港電臺聯同當時的資訊科技廣播局商業電臺及新城電臺,首次于港島的歌賦山及九的畢架山設置發射器,共同以歐洲廣播聯會制定的eureka 147制式測試數碼聲音l band廣播。

Dubbed “ the naked rambler , “ gough reached john o ' groats in far northern scotland just before night fell , cheered on by a group of local residents , gough began the walk in the british summer of june 2003 , wearing just his socks , boots , hat and rucksack 2003年6月, gough標記著“裸行者”的稱號,穿著襪子靶子和帽子,背著帆布背包開始了行程,終于在某一天夜幕降臨前到達了他此行的終點,蘇格蘭北部的john o ’ groats ,并得到了一些當地民眾的歡迎。

I think it ' s more visible with the chinese applicants because there are so many more of them14 , “ said dale gough , director of international services at the american association of collegiate registrars and admissions officers 我認為,中國申請人更引人注目,是因為他們的數量相對大得多, ”美國大學注冊與招生人員協會國際服務中心主管戴爾?高夫說。

Gough said he was planning to stay the night in john o ' groats and enjoy a big meal before putting his clothes back on and heading back south to his home in eastleigh , southern england 表示,他打算他的終點待上一晚,好好享受一頓大餐之后再穿上他的衣服,回轉他在英格蘭南部的家鄉eastleigh 。

Two transmitters have been set up at mount gough and castle peak respectively , covering areas of city center of hong kong , kowloon and tuen mun , tin shui wai and tung chung 計劃設立兩個發射站,于港島歌賦山和新界青山,覆蓋范圍包括港島九半島市區屯門天水圍及東涌等地區。

Two transmitters have been set up at mount gough in hong kong and beacon hill in kowloon , covering areas in hong kong , kowloon peninsula and shatin 香港電臺現時于港島歌賦山和九畢架山設立兩個發射站,覆蓋范圍包括港島九半島市區及沙田區。

Stephen gough , 44 , spent most of his seven - month odyssey behind bars - arrested 16 times - following complaints from the public 44歲的stephen gough在這七個月的長途跋涉中,絕大多數時間都是在監牢中渡過的,他曾因公眾投訴而被捕16次。

“ too many us institutions really don ' t have staff sufficiently trained or experienced to catch alterations15 , ” m . gough said 高夫先生說: “大多數美國大學確實沒有經過足夠訓練過的或富有經驗的人員去發現這種篡改現象。 ”

Gough whitlam becomes the first australian labor party prime minister of australia for 23 years 1972年高夫?惠特蘭成為首位澳大利亞工黨的澳大利亞總理并執政23年(后繼者為愛德華) 。

This rare species was first discovered in 1881 from mount gough and since then no record has been added 本種為稀有種,于1881年在歌賦山首次發現,近一百年內無記錄。

Road traffic ( traffic control ) regulations ( chapter 374 ) - - restricted zone in gough street , central 道路交通(交通管制)規例(第374章) - -中區歌賦街限制區

Road traffic traffic control regulations chapter 374 - restricted zone in gough street , central 道路交通(交通管制)規例(第374章) - -中區歌賦街限制區

Distribution : endemic to hong kong , only known in a few localities in mount gough 地理分布:香港特有種。僅見于歌賦山。

Original site of yang yao ji - meeting place for “ the four desperados “ 8 gough street -四大寇聚所楊耀記-歌賦街8號

Mount gough 600w castle peak 110w 歌賦山600w青山110w

Restricted zones in gough street , central 米處止的路段,全日

Vincent van gough is my favorite painter 梵谷是我最喜歡的畫家。