goth n.1.哥德人;哥德族〔古代日爾曼族的一支〕。2.野蠻人...
n. 1.哥德人;哥德族〔古代日爾曼族的一支〕。 2.野蠻人;粗野的人。 “goth khanpur“ 中文翻譯: 戈特汗布爾“goth rock“ 中文翻譯: 哥特; 歌特搖滾“goth subculture“ 中文翻譯: 哥特次文化“goth sumar“ 中文翻譯: 戈特蘇馬爾“moeso-goth“ 中文翻譯: adj. 密西哥德人〔公元三世紀古羅馬密西亞省的哥德族人〕。 “goth fateh khan“ 中文翻譯: 戈特法塔赫汗“goth goli mar“ 中文翻譯: 戈特戈利馬爾“goth ibrahim haidari“ 中文翻譯: 戈特易卜拉欣海達里“goth sher shah“ 中文翻譯: 戈特謝爾沙阿“goth warayo gado“ 中文翻譯: 戈特沃拉約格多“pir jo goth“ 中文翻譯: 皮爾焦戈特“gotfrydova“ 中文翻譯: 戈特弗里多娃“gotfried“ 中文翻譯: 戈特弗里德“gotfrid“ 中文翻譯: 戈特弗里德“gotfred“ 中文翻譯: 戈特弗雷德; 戈特弗雷茲“gotevi“ 中文翻譯: 約特維
gotham |
The first steps to understanding columbine , they say , are to forget the popular narrative about the jocks , goths , and trenchcoat mafia ? click here to read more about columbine ' s myths ? and to abandon the core idea that columbine was simply a school shooting 他們說,要了解克倫坂中學事件的第一步,是要忘記過去流行的關于他們是四肢發達頭腦簡單,哥特人,或黑手黨之類的說法(點擊這里閱讀更多有關克倫坂中學的傳說) ,要排除克倫坂中學事件只是一樁簡單的校園槍擊案這樣的想法。 |
This may be the only place in london where hippies , goths , punks , rockabillies and metallers rub elbows and so , despite plenty of tourist tat and a virtual scrum at the weekends , camden still occupies a special place in the heart of most londoners 這里也許是倫敦唯一一個將嬉皮士、哥特一族、朋克一族、鄉村搖滾樂迷和金屬樂迷聚于一處的地方,因此,盡管充斥著低劣旅游品以及會在周末出現人潮洶涌的情形,但康登市場仍然在大多數倫敦人心目當中占有一個特殊的位置。 |
Some 1 , 600 years have passed since they began to redraw the boundaries of europe , yet their names are best remembered for the anti - social and savage behaviour always associated with vandals , goths and huns 自從他們最初重新劃分歐洲國界之時起, 1600多年已經過去了,然而他們卻因為反社會以及他們的野蠻行為而最為人們銘記在心? ?而且始終讓人想起汪達爾人、哥特人與匈奴人。 |
The emperor valens dies at the battle of adrianople when he misjudges the strength and resolution of the goths . the goths are being driven into roman territory by the huns 羅馬皇帝瓦林斯由于錯誤估計哥特人的力量和決心,在阿德里安堡戰役中犧牲。哥特人是被匈奴人趕入羅馬境內的。 |
It was in 1729 that kolachi - jo - goth was transformed from a fishing village to a trading post when it was selected as a port for trade with muscat and bahrain 1729年是, kolachi - jo - goth被變換了從一個漁村對一個貿易的崗位當它被選擇了當口岸為貿易用麝香葡萄和巴林。 |
My little troop of goths swarmed upon joe . somebody snatched his hat and we played catch with it . joe ran home , and i took his hat as a trophy 我的小隊野蠻人馬團團圍住了喬。有人搶走了他的帽子,我們就用它來玩起游戲。喬跑回了家,我就把他的帽子當成了戰利品。 |
A goth who dresses in victorian - style attire , taking interest in intellectual pastimes ( reading and writing poetry etc . ) . similar to new romantic 著維多利亞式服裝的哥特,與過去的知識分子的興趣相同(閱讀寫詩之類) 。與新浪漫主義相似。 |
They have fabulous literature behind them , like goth in german , natsmei soseki in japanese , lu xun in chinese , hugo in french , etc 它們有了不起的文化,如德語的歌德,日語的夏目漱石,中文的魯迅,法語雨果等。 |
Not a real full time goth , adopting only the fashionable side of the subculture or practising it only at weekends 不是“全職”哥特,只是將哥特時尚的一面融入自己的裝扮或只在周末做哥特的人。 |
As for the goths , they were not without their redeeming features , either 至于哥特人,他們所擁有的特性也不是無可救藥。 |
I know what so - called goth culture is 我知道所謂歌特文化是什么。 |
The goth that i talk about has no relationship with goth music 我說的歌特與歌特音樂無關。 |
I special - ordered it for you . it ' s the goth room 這是特別為你預定的哥德式的房間 |