
gosling n.1.小鵝。2.笨人,傻瓜;毛娃娃。短語和例子shoe...

Prevention and cure of the derzsy ' s disease depended on vaccine and antiserum , antibodies of eggs . the vaccines includes goose embryo and duck embryo vaccines which were used 1n breed goose and goslings , and those vaccines have great effect in breeding goose , but the entire virion live vaccines and attenuated vaccines exist many deficiencies . such as preclinical infection , dissemination of virus , recovery of viru5 , etc . those proplems can be sol / ed by producing genetic engineering “ asclne 目前使用的疫苗分為種鵝用和雛鵝用的鵝胚和鴨胚化疫苗,這些疫苗在實際生產中發揮巨大作用,因其為全毒苗或弱毒苗,存在著潛伏感染,排毒散毒,毒力返祖的缺陷,基因工程疫苗的研制可解決上述問題。

“ less than superlative ? “ said giles gosling , drinking off the cup , and smacking his lips with an air of ineffable relish “不是頂好的? ”吉爾斯戈斯林說,一面喝下一杯,帶著妙不可言的神氣把嘴唇咂一咂。


Prevention and cure of the derzsy ' s disease depended on vaccine and antiserum , antibodies of eggs . the vaccines includes goose embryo and duck embryo vaccines which were used 1n breed goose and goslings , and those vaccines have great effect in breeding goose , but the entire virion live vaccines and attenuated vaccines exist many deficiencies . such as preclinical infection , dissemination of virus , recovery of viru5 , etc . those proplems can be sol / ed by producing genetic engineering “ asclne 目前使用的疫苗分為種鵝用和雛鵝用的鵝胚和鴨胚化疫苗,這些疫苗在實際生產中發揮巨大作用,因其為全毒苗或弱毒苗,存在著潛伏感染,排毒散毒,毒力返祖的缺陷,基因工程疫苗的研制可解決上述問題。

The pathogen of goose plaque , goose parvovirus ( gpv ) , can cause acute infectious disease characterized by acute intestitis and inflammation of liver , kidney and heart in goslings and muscovy duckings under 1 month of age , which threaten the goose industry 鵝細小病毒( gooseparvovirus , gpv )為小鵝瘟的病原體。小鵝瘟主要發生于1月齡內雛鵝和雛番鴨,是以急性腸炎及肝、腎、心實質臟器炎癥為特征的烈性傳染病,對養鵝業發展造成很大威脅。

This disease is highly fatal to goslings and muscovy ducklings under 1 month of age with the characteristics of acute enteritis and hepatonephric and myocardium lesions , having made large losses to goose breeding industry 小鵝瘟主要發生于1月齡內雛鵝和雛番鴨,是以急性腸炎及肝、腎、心實質臟器炎癥為特征的烈性傳染病,對養鵝業發展造成很大威脅。

Goose parvovirus is the causitive agent of goose plague . which is also named as derzsy ' s disease . it is one of highly fatal diseases of goslings and muscovy ducklings 鵝細小病毒( gooseparvovirus , gpv )主要引起雛鵝、雛番鴨的高致死性疾病,稱為小鵝瘟或derzsy ' s病。

Once out of their shells , the goslings are distributed to locals until they are ready for 15 - 20 days of forced feeding at a separate facility 幼鵝一旦出殼,就分配給當地居民,直到它們能夠在另一家工廠接受15至20天的強制喂養。

“ less than superlative ? “ said giles gosling , drinking off the cup , and smacking his lips with an air of ineffable relish “不是頂好的? ”吉爾斯戈斯林說,一面喝下一杯,帶著妙不可言的神氣把嘴唇咂一咂。

Goslings and muscovy ducklings of 4 to 20 - day - old are the most susceptible to the virus . the mortality is up to 70 / o - 100 / o 本病主要侵害出殼后4 - 20日齡的雛鵝、雛番鴨,發病率和死亡率可達70 100 。

Goose provirus ( gpv ) is the pathogen of highly contagious and fatal infectious diseases of goslings and muscovy ducklings 鵝細小病毒( gooseprovirus , gpv )可引起雛鵝、雛番鴨高度致死性傳染病?小鵝瘟。

At the reservoir , the choppy water initially deterred the wary goslings from taking their first dip 在水庫邊上,機警的小野鵝最初看到波浪起伏的水面時誰也不敢嘗試它們的第一次下水。

Cheers ensued when the goslings began confidently gliding along the water ' s surface behind their parents 當小鵝們開始能夠跟在父母后面自信地劃水游泳時,人們發出了歡呼聲。

What do you think ? he asked berthier , that gosling i have made an eagle , as he afterwards called him 他問那個他后來稱之為oison que jai fait aigle的貝蒂埃。

Method of virus isolation and agar - gelimmunodiffusion test for gosling plague 小鵝瘟病毒分離和瓊脂免疫擴散試驗方法

Goose parvovirus ( gpv ) is the pathogen of goslings plague 鵝細小病毒( gooseparvovirus , gpv )為小鵝瘟的病原體。

I ' d say smoldering temptress . we ' re all relying on you , gosling 我會說是陰燃誘惑的女人。我們都指望你,傻帽。

Diagnostic techniques for gosling plague 小鵝瘟診斷技術

Who meddleth in all things may shoe the gosling 愛管閑事只是浪費時間