gory adj.1.血淋淋的,沾滿鮮血的。2.殘酷的,流血的。3...
adj. 1.血淋淋的,沾滿鮮血的。 2.殘酷的,流血的。 3.駭人聽聞的。 “akkyr gory“ 中文翻譯: 阿克爾山“auminzatau gory“ 中文翻譯: 奧明扎套山“baysuntau gory“ 中文翻譯: 拜孫套山“belye gory“ 中文翻譯: 別雷耶山“bryungyadinskiye gory“ 中文翻譯: 布留恩吉亞杰山“bukantau gory“ 中文翻譯: 布坎套山“byrranga gory“ 中文翻譯: 貝蘭加山脈“chuvanskiye gory“ 中文翻譯: 丘萬斯基耶山“gorgany gory“ 中文翻譯: 戈爾加內山“gory akkyr“ 中文翻譯: 阿克爾山“gory auminzatau“ 中文翻譯: 奧明扎套山“gory baysuntau“ 中文翻譯: 拜孫套山“gory bukantau“ 中文翻譯: 布坎套山“gory byrranga“ 中文翻譯: 貝蘭加山脈“gory irsarybaba“ 中文翻譯: 伊爾薩雷巴巴山“gory ivao“ 中文翻譯: 伊瓦奧山“gory koymatdag“ 中文翻譯: 科伊馬達格山“gory kuldzhuktau“ 中文翻譯: 庫爾朱克套山“gory lomonosova“ 中文翻譯: 羅蒙諾索夫山“gory lopatina“ 中文翻譯: 洛帕京山“gory luzyckie“ 中文翻譯: 武日察山“gory mendeleyeva“ 中文翻譯: 門捷列夫山“gory putorana“ 中文翻譯: 普托拉納山“zmeyevye gory“ 中文翻譯: 茲梅耶維耶山“gorwitz“ 中文翻譯: 戈爾維茨“gory andrey-tas“ 中文翻譯: 安德烈山
But if you still refuse to bury your broken heart , or force someone to “ fix “ it - - if you just experience the crash landing in all its gory glory , you ' ll create a miracle 但,如果你還拒不將一顆破碎的心埋起來,或拒不去迫使某人”修補“它- -如果你”轟轟烈烈地“體驗了這次碰撞著陸,一個奇跡就會產生。 |
gosh |
Seven prisoners released , seven gory heads on pikes , the keys of the accursed fortress of the eight strong towers , some discovered letters and other memorials of prisoners of old time , long dead of broken hearts , - such , and such - like , the loudly echoing footsteps of saint antoine escort through the paris streets in mid - july , one thousand seven hundred and eighty - nine 七個囚徒被釋放了出來,七個血淋淋的人頭插在了矛尖上,那受到詛咒的有八個堡壘的要塞的鑰匙某些被發現的信件很久以前就懷著破碎的心死去的囚徒的遺物一諸如此類的東西在一千七百八十九年七月中旬被圣安托萬的震天動地的腳步聲護送著通過了巴黎市街。 |
Five spectacularly gory murders would put any community on edge . but gainesville is the home of the university of florida , flagship of the state university system and a mecca for fun - loving , football - crazy undergraduates 五宗異常血腥的謀殺案會使任何社區惶惶不安;可是蓋恩斯維爾是佛羅里達大學的所在地,而該校又是佛州州立大學系統中的旗艦,也是好追逐歡樂及為足球瘋狂的大學生趨之苦的圣地。 |
In fact , it was the era of new waves , student movements all over the world and anti - tradition , anti - establishment revolutions , not to mention the brutish cold war and gory vietnam war . it was a world of cultural clashes and physical violence 其實那時世界各地也先后卷起青春新潮學運怒潮和各式反傳統反體制的革命,更有兇險的冷戰血腥的越戰,到處都難以逃避文化沖擊與暴力危險。 |
Tests on the remains of 67 gladiators found in tombs at ephesus in turkey , center of power for ancient rome ' s eastern empire , show they stuck to well defined rules of combat and avoided gory free - for - alls 據路透社2月23日報道,通過特殊的x射線掃描和顯微鏡分析,奧地利考古學會和維也納醫學院的法醫學家對十幾年前出土的67具古代角斗士的遺骨進行了研究。 |
Only when yuan has taken some residents hostage and releases the close - circuit tv foortage to the news stations is she forced to release the true footage to the public in all its gory details 元在大廈內挾持人質,并將閉路電視錄得的槍戰片段發送至傳媒,令警方大為尷尬, rebecca被逼將先前的片段完整播放。 |
But if you still refuse to bury your broken heart , or force someone to “ fix “ it - - if you just experience the crash landing in all its gory glory , you ' ll create a miracle 但,如果你還拒不將一顆破碎的心埋起來,或拒不去迫使某人”修補“它- -如果你”轟轟烈烈地“體驗了這次碰撞著陸,一個奇跡就會產生。 |
One of the three is conned by a cabaret girl and he has his gory vengeance at kai tak airport . by accident , the ring approaches the trio to rob a bank . the police are tipped off . . 戴安娜騙學軍偷了錢一同亡命他鄉,她在機場摔下學軍,又向移民官告密,學軍發覺,大鬧機場,殺了戴安娜 |
Alack , alack , what blood is this , which stains the stony entrance of this sepulchre ? what mean these masterless and gory swords to lie discolour ' d by this place of peace 噯喲!噯喲!這墳墓的石門上染著些什么血跡?在這安靜的地方,怎么橫放著這兩柄無主的血污的刀劍? |
Through him , with him and in him all honour and gory is to be given to god , through and with the fellowship of all christians 合一運動的廣泛的意義,是包括其他宗教,因為我們希望邁向公義和和平,這是一個普世的道德觀,會幫助團結我們。 |
A gory knife had been found close to the murdered man , and it had been recognized by somebody as belonging to muff potter - so the story ran 據傳聞,人們在死人的附近發現了一把帶血的刀,經人辨認說它是莫夫波特的。 |
There was no need to add the gory details except for the malicious pleasure of watching his audience turn a whiter shade of pale 他不必去增加駭人聽聞的細節了,只是帶著惡意和快意看著他們的聽眾們的臉變得煞白。 |
If you d like to read all the gory details . this article features colorized code listings , something we re experimenting with here at dw 這篇文章的特點是彩色代碼清單,這是我們在dw進行的一項新嘗試。 |
Two doctorsone was pale and tremblingwere mutely engaged in doing something with the other red , gory leg 兩個醫生其中一個面色蒼白,哆哆嗦嗦的,默默地在那個人的另一只發紅的腿上做著什么。 |
And if , on the opposite end of the spectrum , you want to get your hands into all the gory rdf xml details , check out the ,另一方面,如果您想了解這令人振奮的rdf / xml的所有細節,請瀏覽 |
The truly realistic aspect of chang cheh films is not the gory fights , but the flesh and blood of the male bodies 不過最有實感的張徹暴力特色,并非武打招式,而是男性的血與肉。 |
Talk to someone with insider knowledge - - he or she will spill all the gory details without much provocation 和內行人聊一聊? ?他/她會幫你去偽存真,卻不會讓你感到受到了冒犯。 |
The clamorous mob was held accountable for the gory violence flared up principally in a rundown suburb 那班紛擾吵鬧的暴民,被指要為主要在破落郊區爆發的流血暴力事件負責。 |
This problem is a big enough topic that we ll discuss it in even more gory detail in another article 這個問題是個很大的主題,我們將在另一篇文章中詳細剖析它。 |