
goon n.1.(受雇恐嚇工人的)打手,暴徒。2.粗魯的人,無賴...

gooney bird

On the one hand , you have kaneshiro and leung engaging in serious romance , and on the other hand , the two goons played by edmund chen and terri kuan just seem to come from another world doing all kind of crazy things . one major defect of this plot is the overdose of conincidence . the entire movie is built up from bits and bits of conincidences 無疑不少通俗劇的情節都建基在巧合之上正所謂無巧不成冤家可以說巧合是制造戲劇無可避免的原素但若整部電影都由巧合湊合而成而且是萬中無一的極度巧合那就難免會出現物極必反的毛病而這正是此片的問題所在。

As usual , with a group of goon - like characters , tons of hilarious scenes can be expected , but there is actually not a single moment that can genuinely make you laugh out loud . similar to wong s other comedies , the story is quite illogical , and a weak ending is more or less forseeable 另外一如所料22世紀殺人網絡無間道和爭虎斗等亦被擺上臺大玩特玩總之整戲都熱熱鬧鬧但真正好笑的場面就不多。

His humorous performance is unbeatable in this film . his partner rosamund kwan is also superb . kwan s image is always linked to nobility , it is the first time she has totally converted her image into some goon - like secretary character 過分瘦削的張柏芝雖然艷光不及從前,但是演技沒有退步,梁詠琪則保留前作水準,兩人都是不過不失。

But it is fairer to think of him as just a moderately violent thug with a touch of megalomania , whose goons club rivals , who closes newspapers , harasses judges and bans public meetings 公平來講,它不過是一個有些狂妄自大的溫和派激進分子,他的爪牙都是糾集在一起的,與傳媒聯系緊密、能夠枉法裁判以及禁止公共集會的部縱。

A person who treats others violently and roughly , especially for hire : ruffian , thug , tough . informal hooligan . slang goon , gorilla , hood . see attack / defend , crimes 一個對待他人很粗暴和極端的人,尤其是在其雇傭他人時:流氓、暴徒、惡棍、小流氓、 (俚語)受雇暴徒、 (俚語)使用暴力的歹徒。參見“攻擊/防衛,罪行” 。

His partner rosamund kwan is also superb . kwan s image is always linked to nobility , it is the first time she has totally converted her image into some goon - like secretary character 關之琳初演失魂女秘書,打破以往的高貴大小姐形像,令人相信她的演技還有更進一步的潛力,是一個驚喜。

Chapman to as the goon - like character is getting annoying as he has played a similar role in too many movies lately . it is easy to make a conclusion on 差不多每電影都見到他,他的演繹亦片片如是,看來是時間作一小休,以免令觀眾生厭。

Dong goon tastes all good food in the world and siu siu is talented in making spicy food . to revenge for his father , siu siu betrayed dong goon and ga . . 唐泰朱瑞棠飾一家以經營涼茶鋪為業,由母親媽打李淑德鄧碧云飾掌握財政大權。

He is weak and incapable of protecting his family from the burglar . this goon - like character is greatly ridiculed by the filmmaker 他無膽怕事,靠著外家的關系才能住大屋,在家備受子女看匾,地位連狗也不如。

Get the goons with the firefly ! - alan ! it ' s only to be used in an emergency 用螢火蟲號對付那些壞蛋! -艾倫!只有在緊急情況下才可以用

- get the goons with the firefly ! - alan ! it ' s only to be used in an emergency -用螢火蟲號對付那些壞蛋! -艾倫!只有在緊急情況下才可以用

Dong goon tastes all good food in the world and siu siu is talented in making spicy food 夫妻與三子一女同住,長子. .

Come on , you fucking goons 來吧,你們這幫豬玀

Must have been some big goons 一定是很高大的打手。

Wonder just how iong you ' re gonna iast with his goons gunning for you 想想你還有多長時間能躲避他們的槍殺

Jake : a few years ago we were working in tampa for a local goon 幾年以前我們在tampa為一伙地頭蛇干活

Then that guy tried to hit you , and he hit the other goon by accident 他想打你,但卻打到了另一個人

So what about these goons ? more members of your fan ciub 那么那些蠢貨們呢?你的追星族的成員們?

That will be a good brand . goon “那會是一個好牌子。傻瓜。 ”