goods train 貨物列車〔美國說 freight train〕。
貨物列車〔美國說 freight train〕。 “goods“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔pl.〕 1.商品,貨物〔美國說 freight ...“train“ 中文翻譯: vt. 1.訓練;培養,養成;鍛煉(身體);【園藝】使向 ...“a goods train“ 中文翻譯: 一列貨車“freight train, goods train“ 中文翻譯: 貨物列車“goods-train freight-train“ 中文翻譯: 火車“goods collecting train“ 中文翻譯: 零擔摘掛列車“ordinary goods train“ 中文翻譯: 普通貨物列車“slow goods train“ 中文翻譯: 貨物慢車“escort goods on a train truck etc“ 中文翻譯: 押車“by train“ 中文翻譯: 乘火車; 坐火車“in the train“ 中文翻譯: 在火車上“in train“ 中文翻譯: 準備就緒“on a train“ 中文翻譯: 乘火車 (可想像“騎”在火車上,哈哈); 乘火車(可想像“騎”在火車上)“on the train“ 中文翻譯: 在火車上“the train“ 中文翻譯: 火車; 末班車; 鐵路敢死隊; 月光列車; 戰斗列車“train“ 中文翻譯: vt. 1.訓練;培養,養成;鍛煉(身體);【園藝】使向一定方向生長,整形,整枝 (up; over)。 2.瞄準,對準(炮等) (on; upon)。 3.〔罕用語〕拖,曳。 4.〔古語〕引誘,吸引 (away; from)。 vi. 1.接受訓練;練習;鍛煉身體 (for)。 2.〔口語〕坐火車旅行;〔美俚〕交際,來往;〔美俚〕跳來跳去。 At school we should train young children (how) to be good citizens. 我們在初等學校應當訓練青少年(如何)當好優秀公民。 half-trained 訓練[鍛煉 ]不夠的。 over-trained 訓練[鍛煉]過度的。 under-trained 訓練[鍛煉]差的。 train fine 嚴格訓練[鍛煉]。 He was trained to be a doctor but later on he decided to become an actor instead. 他接受的是醫生的訓練,可是后來卻決定做演員了。 Every morning he spends two hours training for race. 他每天早晨花兩個小時鍛煉賽跑。 train down (選手)練輕體重。 〔口語〕 train it 坐火車去。 train off 用鍛煉減輕[減肥];(子彈)打歪,沒打中。 train on 練好。 train with 〔美國〕交往;合作[聯合]。 n. 1.列車,火車。 2.隊伍;一行,排,列;系列;〔集合詞〕隨從,隨員。 3.鏈,(思想等的)連續;一連串(事件);接著發生的事件,后事,結果。 4.次序;狀態。 5.拖在后頭的東西;衣裙;【軍事】輜重隊;后勤部隊;(炮架的)架尾;彗星的尾;鳥尾;導火線;(重而長的)大雪橇。 6.【機械工程】(傳動的)輪列,輪系;齒輪組。 a down [an up] train 下行[上行]列車。 a funeral train 送喪的隊伍。 a long train of sightseers 一大批游客。 an accommodation [express] train 普通[特快]列車。 a through train 直達列車。 All is now in (good) train. 完全停當了,全好了。 Everything fell into its old train again. 一切又恢復原狀了。 train of mechanism 【機械工程】機構系。 train of powder 【軍事】導火線。 by train 坐火車。 catch [make] one's train 正趕上火車。 in (good) train 準備妥當。 in the train of 接著,繼…之后。 miss one's train 沒趕上火車。 put on a special train 掛臨時加車。 put things in train 安排妥貼。 ride the gravy train 獲得賺錢好機會;干不費勁的活兒。 take train to ... 坐火車去…。 train de luxe 花車。 “train it“ 中文翻譯: 坐火車去“train on“ 中文翻譯: 鍛煉得有所改善; 鍛煉效果“train with“ 中文翻譯: 結交“by goods“ 中文翻譯: 用貨車裝運“goods“ 中文翻譯: n. 〔pl.〕 1.商品,貨物〔美國說 freight〕。 ★不與數目字連用。 2.動產。 3.〔the goods〕 〔美口〕本領;不負所望的人[物]。 capital goods生產資料。 consumer goods消費品。 damaged goods殘損貨品。 fancy goods化妝品,裝飾品,時髦商品。 goods agent 運輸行。 goods in stock 存貨。 goods of first [second] order 直接[間接]必需品。 green goods新鮮蔬菜;〔美俚〕偽鈔。 printed goods印花布。 semi-finished goods半成品。 shaped goods定型制品。by goods 用貨車裝運。 catch sb. with the goods 人贓俱獲。 deliver the goods 交貨;〔比喻〕履行諾言,不負所望。 get the goods on sb. 〔美俚〕在某人身上發現罪證。 goods and chattels 【法律】私人財物,全部動產。 have all one's goods in the window 膚淺,華而不實,虛有其表。 have the goods 有才華,有充分資格。 He is the goods. 他就是合適的人。 know one's goods 〔俚語〕精通本行業務。 “goods in“ 中文翻譯: 進貨“the goods“ 中文翻譯: 電腦顯示; 沒有這些東西“train in train“ 中文翻譯: 串列式布置“commuter train, suburban train“ 中文翻譯: 市郊火車; 市郊列車
Besides the “ two dimensional weighting stock ownership incentive “ , it also includes methods to help the workers to make the professional profession designs , to create a good training system and a system to discuss technological questions , and to form the atmosphere respecting the talented persons 其中包括“二元加權股權”為核心的股權激勵以及幫助員工開發職業錨、建立科學培訓和知識共享體系、建立尊重人才的文化氛圍等管理激勵方法。 |
It will provide a good training platform for aspiring hoteliers . “ dr alice k y lam , chairman of the university grants committee , supported the project and called for greater collaboration between the academia and the industry to benefit both parties and hong kong as a whole 大學教育資助委員會主席林李翹如博士對這項計劃深表支持,她期望在未來學術界和商界會有更多合作,對香港的發展作出更多貢獻。 |
Introduction : tennis is probably the most popular leisure sports one of the projects , in particular the recent “ flu “ that “ flu “ , many troubles , since good training under his body is always correct 網球恐怕是最受大眾歡迎的休閑體育項目之一了,尤其是近來這個“感”那個“感”的,麻煩多多,反正好好鍛煉下自己的身體總是沒錯的。 |
Tennis is probably the most popular leisure sports one of the projects , in particular the recent “ flu “ that “ flu “ , many troubles , since good training under his body is always correct 網球恐怕是最受大眾歡迎的休閑體育項目之一了,尤其是近來這個“感”那個“感”的,麻煩多多,反正好好鍛煉下自己的身體總是沒錯的。 |
“ i ' m pleased , “ stated the portuguese tactician . “ it was a very good training session “我很高興, ”葡萄牙戰術大師說, “這是一場很好的熱身賽。 ” |
goodsagent |
Besides the “ two dimensional weighting stock ownership incentive “ , it also includes methods to help the workers to make the professional profession designs , to create a good training system and a system to discuss technological questions , and to form the atmosphere respecting the talented persons 其中包括“二元加權股權”為核心的股權激勵以及幫助員工開發職業錨、建立科學培訓和知識共享體系、建立尊重人才的文化氛圍等管理激勵方法。 |
It will provide a good training platform for aspiring hoteliers . “ dr alice k y lam , chairman of the university grants committee , supported the project and called for greater collaboration between the academia and the industry to benefit both parties and hong kong as a whole 大學教育資助委員會主席林李翹如博士對這項計劃深表支持,她期望在未來學術界和商界會有更多合作,對香港的發展作出更多貢獻。 |
If you are looking to grow your career with a leading international hotel chain and have the skills and energy needed to be part of our opening team for the key position vacancies , with competitive benefits , good training and development opportunities 若您想使您的事業得到進一步的發展,并且具備了一定的職業素質加入到我們開業籌備的主要職位中,我們將提供有競爭力的福利、良好的培訓及發展機會。 |
If you are looking to grow your career with a leading international hotel and have the skills and energy needed to be part of our opening team for the key position vacancies , with competitive benefits , good training and development opportunities 若您想使您的事業得到進一步的發展,并且具備了一定的職業素質加入到我們開業籌備的主要職位中,我們將提供有競爭力的福利、良好的培訓及發展機會。 |
There are also a lot of good training values worth our learning in the business sectors , so the article introduce the employees - training methods from the well known multinational companies , such as panasonic from japan , motorola and ibm from u . s . 二是引入了世界知名大公司的員工培訓模式,如:日本松下幸之助公司的培訓之道、 ibm公司的模擬角色培訓模式、美國摩拖羅拉公司的員工大學。 |
If you are looking to grow your career with a leading international hotel chain and have the skills and energy needed to be part of our team for the key position vacancies , with competitive benefits , good training and development opportunities 若您想使您的事業得到進一步的發展,并且具備了一定的職業素質加入到我們團隊的主要職位中,我們將提供有競爭力的福利、良好的培訓及發展機會。 |
If you are looking to grow your career with a leading international hotel and have the skills and energy needed to be part of our team for the key position vacancies , with competitive benefits , good training and development opportunities 若您想使您的事業得到進一步的發展,并且具備了一定的職業素質加入到我們的團隊中的主要職位中,我們將提供有競爭力的福利、良好的培訓及發展機會。 |
Finally and importantly , if you involve volunteers and interns in your research , you do increase the chance of getting unreliable data ? but you can prevent this problem with good training and reliability testing 最后也是最重要的一點,如果你在研究中使用志愿者,必將提高錯誤發生的幾率,但是你可以通過良好的培訓和測試降低錯誤發生的幾率。 |
If you are looking to grow your career with a leading international hotel and have the skills and energy needed to be part of our team , with competitive benefits , good training and development opportunities 若您想使您的事業得到進一步的發展,并且具備了一定的職業素質加入到我們的隊伍,我們將提供有競爭力的福利、良好的培訓及發展機會。 |
Introduction : tennis is probably the most popular leisure sports one of the projects , in particular the recent “ flu “ that “ flu “ , many troubles , since good training under his body is always correct 網球恐怕是最受大眾歡迎的休閑體育項目之一了,尤其是近來這個“感”那個“感”的,麻煩多多,反正好好鍛煉下自己的身體總是沒錯的。 |
And you ll probably agree that he is good at catching the timing for comedy . as i said , fiona has been in a tv drama . working in drama is a good training for new actors Fiona就拍過一部電視劇,電視劇有很好的基本訓練,對年青演員是個很好的磨練,不過現在電視的導演都不多理會,隨意讓演員發揮,有時又會鬧你,不是呵護著你去成長。 |
Tennis is probably the most popular leisure sports one of the projects , in particular the recent “ flu “ that “ flu “ , many troubles , since good training under his body is always correct 網球恐怕是最受大眾歡迎的休閑體育項目之一了,尤其是近來這個“感”那個“感”的,麻煩多多,反正好好鍛煉下自己的身體總是沒錯的。 |
Dear fresh graduates , do you want to work in a holland sole - funded company and get good training chance , good salary and benefits , development opportunities , developing into an excellent and professional career 各位學生朋友們,想在荷蘭外商獨資企業就職并擁有良好的培訓機會、優厚的薪資福利以及發展機會嗎? |
And you ll probably agree that he is good at catching the timing for comedy . as i said , fiona has been in a tv drama . working in drama is a good training for new actors 他演那些傻呼呼的角色,應該可以取代張堅庭的位置,哈哈…他其實很有喜劇感,喜劇的節奏他反而捉得不錯,真的! |