
good-looking adj.標致的,美貌的。

Puzzled by the idle probing of this big good-looking army man, pug answered, “i see plenty of hell behind and plenty ahead. “ 這位相貌堂堂的高個兒陸軍軍官沒話找話盡問些毫無意思的問題,很使帕格迷惑不解。他于是回答說:“已往的情況和將來的都是一團糟。”

“weeping makes a fright even of a good-looking woman,“ she said . “哭泣使漂亮的女人也變得難看,”她說。


Puzzled by the idle probing of this big good-looking army man, pug answered, “i see plenty of hell behind and plenty ahead. “ 這位相貌堂堂的高個兒陸軍軍官沒話找話盡問些毫無意思的問題,很使帕格迷惑不解。他于是回答說:“已往的情況和將來的都是一團糟。”

The good-looking buxom woman, betwixt forty and fifty, was now a fat, red-faced, old dam of seventy, or thereabouts . 她原是個好看的豐滿的婦女,四十來歲;現在卻是個七十上下年紀,肥胖的,紅臉的老太婆了。

She was a good-looking woman, not more than eight-and-thirty, of fair complexion and sandy hair, well-shape, light-footed . 她長得很好看,白皮膚,黃頭發,身材適中,步履輕盈,不過三十八歲。

The other two party leaders had already promised butler that shannon was a smart, athletic, good-looking fellow . 還有兩個黨的頭目早已贊同巴特勒,認為宣農是個精明干練,態度大方的家伙。

Mr. bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike; he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manner . 彬格萊先生儀表堂堂,大有紳士風度,而且和顏悅色,沒有拘泥做作的習氣。

Mr. bingley was good-looking and gentlemanlike, he had a pleasant countenance, and easy, unaffected manners . 賓利先生儀表堂堂,大有紳士風度,而且和顏悅色,沒有拘泥做作的氣派。

They knew, none better, the havoc caused by a good-looking young man to the hearts of adolescent girls . 她們最清楚不過,漂亮的年輕人會在青春期的女孩們心中造成多么大的混亂。

In person dr. proudie is a good-looking man, spruce and dapper and very tidy . 就儀表而言,普勞迪博士是一位儀表堂堂的人,瀟灑,漂亮,十分整潔。

The americans appeared, rough, rugged, good-looking veterans of the whaling grounds . 那些美國人來了,都是剽悍結實,相貌堂堂的捕鯨老手。

He was young and very strong, good-looking in a rough way, and that he'd been around . 他年輕,很強壯,英挺粗邁,飽有閱歷。

Thurston was quiet, studious, brilliant and good-looking in a boyish way . 瑟斯頓安靜、勤勉、聰明,象小青年一樣漂亮。

“weeping makes a fright even of a good-looking woman,“ she said . “哭泣使漂亮的女人也變得難看,”她說。

She said he was a very good-looking man and a gentleman . 據她說,他是一個風度翩翩,很有教養的人。

She is terribly good-looking . 她非常漂亮。

She runs after every good-looking man she meets . 她追求她見到得每一個漂亮男子。

He was a good-looking young chap . 他是個很漂亮的年輕小伙子。